Fraudulent sellers

Please be aware that there are some fraudulent sellers with women's handbags for auction. I was unfortunate enough to buy 4 as I was getting them for Christmas presents. I have received an email from eBay that sellers accounts have been taken over. They have refunded me one, and one I had not paid for. In hindsight it's clear to see something suspicious. All the sellers are Asian - china. All the sellers have no other sales or ratings history. The four different sellers all sent me the same letter advising postage of the item, with EXACTLY the same wording and English. All the sellers accounts were opened in July or May. On the same days of the month. The difficulty is that you don't realise it's a scam until it passes the due delivery date. By the time you have paid and wait for your item that never arrives the scammer is long gone with your money. If you paid by PayPal it's okay, you have a guarantee of getting your money back. It was just fortunate that the seller realised her account had been hacked and reported it to eBay. 

I rang EBay and reported this scam. They said the coincidences in the emails, type of items, being new sellers, no trading history is very suspicious. They are going to investigate each seller I reported. Meanwhile, I am still concerned though that other people are bidding on these items. If you search 'women's shoulder tote bags' and select auction you will see the current suspicious items. Please ladies don't get caught like I did. I don't want anyone else to be disappointed. I tried to post screen shots but it wouldn't let me. Oh, BTW, they have also listed men's briefcases, duffle bags, lap top bags etc. who knows what else. 

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Fraudulent sellers

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:

I was always under the impression that the order for filing disputes was eBay then PayPal then cc chargeback. In case first and second are unsuccessful

Yes, that is correct....and is the reason for boardies saying that a payment through paypal funded with a credit card or Visa debit card is the safest form of payment you can get on ebay.  You have 3 chances to get your money back.


However, to qualify ebay dispute is best for INAD but a paypal dispute is quicker and easier (IMHO) for an INR dispute.


And then you have those of us who are the dinosaurs of ebay who remember when paypal was the only way to get a refund.  This ebay MBG and associated ebay claims are very new and (again IMHO) are totally unfair to buyers and sellers because ebay seems incapable of following their own rules....they make up  the rules as they go.


Personally, if I had a choice of an ebay or paypal dispute I would prefer to deal with paypal any day.   I have never lost a paypal dispute in all my years on ebay and they have always been easy to deal with if I have needed to ring them.

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Fraudulent sellers

I guess it's situational a bit too.

Mostly it's a hobby for me. So I invest in items for resale and if I have to wait a week or 2 or 3 if there's an issue while it's painful it's not really a biggie. No different to buying an item that doesn't sell quickly. Try to avoid those though.
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