Is it possible that eBay is filtering searches ...

There is an item that is not coming up in my search. I saw it yesterday, and it's been for sale for a while at a buy it now price. It has not been sold or ended either as I did searches for that also. My search criteria are correct for this particular item also and I've even tried it various ways by widening my searches in various ways in the advanced search section. It's not the first time this has happened either when I go back to look for an item. 


Granted, I should have put it in my watch list at the time, but for one reason or another, I forgot to. Can't go back into my history in my browser either as that was recently cleared. 


It just leaves me with an uneasy feeling that searches are being filtered or prioritised to completely omit some items in some way shape or form ... call me suspicious lol ... anyone else had this happen? 



Message 1 of 14
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Is it possible that eBay is filtering searches ...

eBay are on record as believing that they will drive revenue growth through seller fees, not through higher turnover.


Ergo, they seem to think they can screw sellers to pay higher fees to achieve sales, rather than encouraging more sellers to make more sales. I'm not sure what American economics degrees are teaching these days, but I would hope it's not that. Economics 101 implies that increased turnover will generally mean increased profit.


If Wenig has an economics degree maybe he should give it back.


About the only long-term solution would be for Pierre to buy it back and apply commonsense.

Message 11 of 14
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Is it possible that eBay is filtering searches ...

Well, they're not going many fees out of me at the moment because I'm hardly selling a thing. I'm not going to get sucked into paying for promoted listings. I experimented with that and nothing sold, except for one promoted item that sold the normal way.

I'd rather pay slightly higher selling fees and actually get some sales than pay for a store and hardly get any sales.
Message 12 of 14
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Is it possible that eBay is filtering searches ...

I am sort of getting a similar issue.


I search for items and only a few items representing the search I made are displayed.


However, if you go to one of those items, the ebay recommendations are almost endless variety relating to the search.


And in many cases, seem to be advertised at a more competative price.


I perceive that ebay is only displaying items in the initial search criteria displayed, in order to promote reliable sellers and items with established good ranking.


Otherwise why are the other pertanant search items not displayed?


At first I thought it may have something to do with only searches in Australia.


That proved incorrect when I selected to search worldwide and the issue still occurs.


BTW, it's not a browser cahe problem.



Message 13 of 14
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Is it possible that eBay is filtering searches ...

You know very little and all you are doing is dragging up old threads for no purpose other than to attempt to dazzle us all with your knowledge, and advice which sadly is mostly incorrect.


If you have something to discuss, or need to share something, open a thread of your own, that way those of us who are genuinely here to try and help can scroll on by when we see your name.

Message 14 of 14
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