Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

I remember there used to be a report link on the eBay messages if you received an offensive reply from another member. Can't seem to find it anywhere in the full or mobile version.

I asked a question about the authenticity of an item (100% definitely a fake) and copped a tirade of F words and worse. Serious chip on his shoulder. And yes Aussie seller.
Message 1 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

You'd probably have to go through "help and contact" at the top of any page.


The report link is only on PM's from other members.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

It was an eBay message from another member. Is that what you mean?
Message 3 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

But there was no link to report such things in the help page either.
Message 4 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:
But there was no link to report such things in the help page either.

Try this.




And yes, I was talking about eBay messages since that's what your problem was..............................


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 5 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:
But there was no link to report such things in the help page either.

slightly@ off-topic, and I know this has been asked before . . . . . . . . but can you pleeeeeeeeeaaaasssssssse let us know who you are replying to in your posts by starting them with something like @padi so we can make sense of your posts?


how many times do we need to ask.JPG

Message 6 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

I know that at the time you replied to padi that he had been the only responder to your OP, but I was asking you to use the @padi thing so that future posts will make sense (just wanted to clarify and not appear to be nitpicking)

Message 7 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?



Members aren't allowed to use profanity or hate speech in their communications with other members through eBay. If you receive a message with this kind of language from another eBay member and the message was sent through eBay, please report it to us immediately  (click this link)
Message 8 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

@letscleanupmycupboards wrote:
I remember there used to be a report link on the eBay messages if you received an offensive reply from another member. Can't seem to find it anywhere in the full or mobile version.

I asked a question about the authenticity of an item (100% definitely a fake) and copped a tirade of F words and worse. Serious chip on his shoulder. And yes Aussie seller.

Why ask then? Nobody is going to admit to selling a fake.

Message 9 of 37
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Offensive message from seller - how to report to eBay?

Davewil it was as much about informing them as asking. Considering that as soon as it's found to be fake PayPal and eBay will jump right in on the buyers side and refund then it's an issue for the seller.

It's pretty clear from the response that he knows. So he's now a dishonest scammer not an unwitting victim. But also he sold the same item in December and early feb and the "buyer" in early feb and just now appear to be the same person. So there's shill bidding there too possibly
Message 10 of 37
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