Resolution Centre Help Please

Community Member

Hi All.. I bought and paid for a couple of seat covers on 12th December ... coming from NSW to Melbourne... still nothing has arrived and I'm patient enough normally but I contacted the Seller and he said I didn't choose Registered Post on checkout therefore he has no tracking number??  The item was listed as Freepost ??  Anyway I just want to start the ball rolling and open a case in the Resolution Centre but I'm going round in circles ... I end up on a US site that tells me the item was bought in Australia and to go to their Resolution Centre... so I click on that link and end up where I started again... Either I'm doing something wrong or the links are broken  ... Help Smiley Sad

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Resolution Centre Help Please

yeah it's the pits the new system (I had the same drama this morning). Best bet is to log directly into paypal, find the paypal transaction number for the purchase (not the ebay item number) then open an item not received from within paypal.

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Resolution Centre Help Please

Thanks Harley


Glad it's not just me... it's gone past the day that Ebay said I should have received them and I've given the Seller a chance to respond but not happy with his response... plus he's got a few negs today ... I don't like to neg and also there's plenty of public holidays that would have held it up but gee how long does it take.... I was hoping to have these for Chrissie 😞   Will go into PayPal and do it from there I think... I'm fed up of going round in circles.. why it's taking me to a US site is beyond me... grrrrr


Thanks Sue 

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Resolution Centre Help Please

Sue, sometimes sellers here list on the US site. I do.

And if your item was listed on the US site, that would explain it.

image host
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Resolution Centre Help Please

Kopes, my item was listed on the aussie site and I had exactly the same problem as Sue, all links kept taking me to where I had to sign in start the process all over again..
Message 5 of 8
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The seller deserves a neg for having the temerity to blame you for it going missing because you did not choose registered post. Why would you when it is for the seller's protection, not the buyer's.


Unless it was sent letter post it would have a tracking number anyway.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 6 of 8
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Resolution Centre Help Please

When it takes you to an "" URL, try editing the address line and adding the ".au" (then press Enter or click Go or whatever). Might work.




Message 7 of 8
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Resolution Centre Help Please

Hi Joe 


Yep tried everything but on that day it just wouldn't work.. however was working fine the next day so the IT Gurus must have fixed it ...  


Thanks Sue Smiley Wink

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