Says local, but the item is in China.

Community Member

Its now getting to the point where you ignore where ebay says the seller is and look at the expected arrival of your item.  So many sellers say they are in Australia but you know full well they are in China.

They sell items by deception and eBay is also well aware of it.  Trust is now non existant as these lies are obvious.  How many times have you bought something here and it doesn't get posted for 7 to 10 days?  Slow to post?  Slow Auspost?  No, the seller has ordered what you ordered from his cousin in China or the seller is in fact in China and pretending to be in Australia.  Ebay is an accomplice to this deception and should be boycotted just like China should be.  If its poor quality, sold by deception and designed to cheat Western people, its most likely of Chinese manufacture and sold through places where recourse to justice is limited, like ebay.   Shame on thieves and their accomplices.  Ebay aid and abet thieves, therefore they are also thieves.  

Message 1 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

@stoph-88 wrote:

Thanks for that.  The crux of the problem is that these crooks can open an " office" here in Australia,  probably a domestic premises, and keep no stock but rather order everything as it sells from China.   The standard lie is "there has been a delay with our courier " - the truth is, the item hasn't arrived from China yet.  I love the way certain ppl say "you should check feedback and see where the seller is registered "  great.   There's no point discussing this here as there are too many sycophants.   Its like it all perfectly fine to be deceptive if you're an ebay seller; it's up to the buyer to work out if the seller is a crook and its the buyers fault if the seller acts deceptively.   I'm quite happy to be a minority of one honest person.  The rest are very welcome to live void of morals.  Happy ebaying!  

It's true, there are quite a few misleading ads on ebay and ebay doesn't do a great deal to stop them. As countess said, if the sellers are operating from China, a whole different set of rules seems to apply.


The problem as I see it is ebay is not itself selling anything. Ebay is just a website where millions of people and businesses sell their stuff. Most of the sellers are responsible and honest, but some are shifty. Same with the buyers.

The headache for ebay is trying to sort it all out and they could definitely tweak things to do more but I doubt they'll ever completely stamp out every problem. 


 The way I look at it is that ebay is a slightly risky platform to use, compared to some other sites where you might be dealing with a known seller regularly and know the level of service to expect. 

So you have to look out for yourself, to some extent. What I do is look at expected delivery date, feedback and seller registration and I read the ad carefully and go from there. I personally rarely buy from China if I can help it. I did buy once from a seller who was obviously lying about item location and I knew that before I bought but it was the only place I could find the particular second hand item. I bitterly resented being lied to that way though so I know your frustration.


Yes, ebay is a slightly risky platform, there are some dodgy sellers, ebay doesn't have it under control so if you do use it, just proceed with extreme caution.


PS Although ebay isn't tackling some of the issues well, I think they are well aware of them. I have a friend who attended a breakfast conference with them a couple of years back, where the ebay reps were throwing around some ideas and one was for all (or almost all) items to be housed in ebay warehouses and sold/posted from there. Quick courier delivery.

I am guessing amazon style.

With everything under video so presumably that would cut down on item not as described/didn't arrive/slow to post claims etc. A 5 year implementation time frame.

Obviously none of that has come to pass yet & maybe it never will, but nothing stays the same forever and I think ebay is constantly working on ways to tighten up or improve. They don't always get it right though.


Message 21 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Having been looking for a few different items on ebay lately and always being mindful of checking the place of registration of sellers, I have also come to realise that you don't even need to go into a listing to spot the chinese/HK sellers. Just sort according to Price & Postage lowest, and also Gallery view to get an overview and this is what you will see (search was for Vest>Women's>Australia only>size 20).


Any listings that show multiple variations within the gallery pic, or the same gallery pics in numerous listings, are a dead giveaway the items are not in Australiavests1.jpgAlso note the cents portion of the prices, free postage, 'special' deals (buy 1, get 1 5% off). Don't even need to go into the listing itself to discover where the seller is located. 

Message 22 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Community Member

Thanks to all the sensible replies, good to see you are also wise to ebay scams and the scammers they enable for profit.

To the rest of you, enjoy your ignorance.   The long term outlook might not be as good, but you will have no need for critical thought and the effort it requires.  

Message 23 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

I agree it is a PITA I ordered some photo corners on 23rd SEP, from Kent Town which is in the same state I live in, I specifically searched for something local cos I need them like yesterday. Well I checked Auspost today they have finally been scanned into the system and are in Melbourne. I suspect that they were dropshipped from China. Hate to say it I am sick of China, full on tired of the deception. When they finally arrive I will be leaving some sarcastic feedback reflecting how fed up I am 

Message 24 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Good idea. That will almost ensure that your feedback is deleted.


Maybe see where the seller is registered and the estimated delivery dates (both significant indicators) BEFORE purchasing. You have the tools - use them.

Message 25 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Oh it will be positive feedback but it is in the comment, cos at end of day that positive is all they care about, oh and the money. Thanks to this thread I have gained more ideas on how to avoid Chinese sellers. 

Message 26 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Why would you bother leaving positive feedback with a sarcastic or negative comment? NO ONE will read it, so it's a pointless exercise, even if you put it all in capitals. Plus, it's against ebay rules to leave a negative comment under a positive dot. If you want people to take notice, leave a negative comment under a negative red dot. That said, a lot of buyers don't check to see a where a seller is registered and how many red dots they have. I suspect you might be one of them.

Message 27 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

They might have actually left a neg for the seller, there's one up that wasn't there before S&D.


Having said that, they quite obviously DIDN'T read the seller's feedback before buying. That seller has atrocious feedback at 94.5%.


"Fools rush in.............."


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 28 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

Why would you want to leave positive feedback because that's all they care about? You are not happy but want to make them happy?

I never read positive feedback, and I assume many other potential buyers don't either. Sometimes I notice the latest positive fb because it is unavoidable of course if it is at the top, but I don't scroll down. I go directly to negative and neutral feedback.

Message 29 of 37
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Says local, but the item is in China.

I can't see any negative fb left by that person, or any other fb left in the past month... Maybe under another ID?

Message 30 of 37
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