Sellers using your personal information


After buying a few items off ebay recently, I now have got 2 more 'accounts' with the sellers i bought from. They have taken my information added me to their spam lists and are bombarding me with junk emails.


Is there any way to report them for doing this or is this sort f thing allowed by ebay? I try and be as careful as possible with my personal information.


If you dont want spam twice a day with cheap **bleep**py products, stay away from ShoppingSquare.



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Sellers using your personal information

change your email address to a disposable one. eg hotmail, gmail etc etc. If it gets spammed it doesn't really matter then. I have never used my ISP email for anything other than family and important stuff.
You cannot know for sure who it is so pretty useless trying to report them without any hard evidence.
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Sellers using your personal information

If they are coming direct to your email address send them one reply telling them not to send you any more emails then if any more arrive forward them to abuse@their


If they are coming through ebay then there is a report link.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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