So many emails!

I've recently been buying quite a lot of low value stuff. I might buy a dozen cheap books or a range of phone connectors.

I am absolutely sick of all the eBay and PayPal emails that are generated from every purchase, and the system won't let me disable them. Every purchase floods my inbox with unnecessary emails that basically just tell me what button I just clicked. "You just bought this item". I know I just bought the item. I just clicked several buttons that told me I was buying the item, then several more that made it pretty darn clear I was paying for it too. I do not need these emails.

How does everyone else deal with this? Should I create a separate email 'dump' address for eBay and Paypal, that I can simply ignore? Or should I just give up and shop elsewhere?

I'm so sick of it.
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So many emails!

I have an email address that is only used for my buying id on ebay. That way I never have to even look, I just go in and delete all, if sellers want to waste their time trying to be my pen pal then they can do so without wasting my time.

I buy, I pay, I wait, I receive, I inspect, I leave feedback. Unless there is a problem with one of those stages I don't need to read any emails.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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