on 11-08-2020 04:11 PM
Australia Post have advised the following:
Dear [my name],
Last week, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced that stage 4 restrictions would apply across Melbourne until 13 September 2020. We are pleased to confirm that our Post Offices will remain open during this difficult time and our posties and drivers remain on the road to service Melbourne communities.
We're adapting our processes
In line with these new restrictions, we are required to reduce the number of people in our metro Melbourne distribution facilities. Staff will also begin working split shifts, with cleaning taking place in between, as part of our COVID Safe Plan.
These restrictions do not apply to any of our operations and deliveries network in regional Victoria.
What this means for you
These constraints will have an impact on our ability to service businesses who rely on us for their customers' online deliveries. They may also affect how fast we can deliver to the broader Australian community.
You may notice in the coming weeks when tracking your parcels that they're being processed and delivered from alternate locations. This is to ensure we keep items moving through our network as quickly as we can, while adhering to the stage 4 regulations.
Our priority will be to make sure that essential services, such as medicine, are available to keep our most vulnerable members of the community safe.
And while we're doing everything we can to deliver your online purchases as safely and quickly as possible, we hope you understand that these additional restrictions may result in increased delays.
Keep track of your parcels
Our tracking tool, accessible on our website and app, gives you the most accurate guidance on estimated delivery dates, as well as any delays while your parcel is in transit.
More information
For regular updates on how the pandemic is impacting on our network and service, please visit our dedicated webpage.
Thank you for your ongoing support and patience during these challenging times. Stay safe.
Your team at Australia Post❞
Rubrication mine.
From this we can take some particularly relevant points:
*From the DHHS website :
❝Can I go out to pick up my online shopping from the post office or other collection point?
You can pick up online shopping from the post office or other collection points with contactless click and collect – but this is considered shopping, and can only occur once per day. You should not travel any further than you have to. If you wish to pick up a purchased item from a point of collection, first check online or phone to confirm its opening hours.
You must wear a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so, when you leave home. You should keep at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others.❞
on 11-08-2020 04:23 PM