on โ20-06-2013 07:09 PM
So I have noticed those who leave feedback at the time of sending me my product I have had no problem with. Yet the ones who don't seem to send items that have something wrong hummmmmmmmmmm.
on โ21-06-2013 09:48 PM
B&M wouldn't be survive with those attitudes towards customer service yet some of you think you have a right to be high and mighty... what a lot of BS.
Do try to type a few comments and hit a couple of keys for goodness sakes you lazy cows.
We can't see you with fags hanging out of your mouths slouching around in your jammies....*runs very fast >>>>>>>>>>>>>> :^O
on โ21-06-2013 09:52 PM
belinda the feedback that sellers are uneasy with is the feedback some buyers leave for sellers.
A very small minority of buyers leave atrocious feedback for all the sellers they buy from so when a buyer like this bids on an item then some cancel the bid and block the seller.
Usually it is brought to the seller's attention because another seller warns them of the type of buyer they are dealing with.
Lets face it, the vast majority of sales on ebay are successful for both buyer and seller, so what you see on these boards is when a sale goes wrong therefore you are looking at nearly all threads being about problem sellers or problem buyers so it is easy to think that all sellers are out to scam all buyers and all buyers are out to scam all sellers.
Just remember that most only come here after something goes wrong.
on โ21-06-2013 09:54 PM
I don't have jammies
on โ21-06-2013 10:00 PM
k1ooo-slr-sales I have sold items on here so I do get it. I guess the main thing I struggle with is the fact that I read from people on these sites that they block buyers because of there feed back they cancel sales because they feel uneasy with a buyers feedback ....but then say feedback has no importance to a buyer huh can't have it both ways
Then I read about how feedback policies should be changed because sellers are not happy with how it works. I have also read about sellers thinking feedback should be a must for buyers when they buy something.
Think what would happen if people like myself didn't leave positive feedback with nice comments for a good sale all a seller would have is negatives from people not happy. The same for sellers not leaving positives for buyers. All buyers would be blocked as the sellers cross about not getting a positive would write something that leads other buyers to think they can't be pleased.
I really believe the only way any of this will work if everyone leaves feedback on a truthful realistic level. So we can all make well informed choices of who we deal with.
What you need to understand is that these are different people saying different things - one person is not representative of all sellers, so two different sellers with opposing views can't be correlated to one. I think most sellers do get that buyers like feedback, whether or not they understand why, and even though they might not place much (if any) importance on the buyers feedback received from other sellers.
I will tell you one thing, if I go to the trouble of looking at a buyer's FB profile for any reason, it isn't to look at the comments they've received from other sellers, it's to look at the FB they have left for their sellers, as quite frankly I think it's a far greater indicator of any potential issues.
I understand that feedback is important to a lot of buyers, and the point of my previous post addressing yours was not that a seller "should" leave feedback when a buyer pays, but that - if they leave it - it should be up to the seller when they leave it.
@dixo, I don't know who you're talking to, but as I have said on many occasions, I leave feedback for every single one of my buyers, and as soon as they've paid to.. Also, I will continue to support the choice of other sellers to leave it to a later stage of the transaction not only because I understand the reasons they have for doing so, but because I respect their right to do so. There is no "attitude" inherent in choosing not to leave feedback, either. FB for the buyer may sweeten the deal for some people, but it is the least of the marks of a good seller, IMHO.
on โ21-06-2013 10:03 PM
. . . I guess the main thing I struggle with is the fact that I read from people on these sites that they block buyers because of there feed back they cancel sales because they feel uneasy with a buyers feedback ....but then say feedback has no importance to a buyer huh can't have it both ways
Sellers can not cancel sales because of a buyer's feedback. Sellers can request a cancellation and a buyer can say no.
There is a current thread from a seller who is uneasy about a buyer's feedback . . . . . but the feedback that is of concern is the feedback the buyer leaves for sellers and not the feedback that the buyer has received from sellers.
on โ21-06-2013 10:09 PM
Why do some buyers get so hung up over feedback?
It means nothing to a buyer as it has to be positive or the seller leaves no feedback at all.
It does mean something to some buyers.
And some buyers get somewhat mifffed when a seller does not leave feedback after they have made payment.
Nothing posted on this thread, will change that.
No matter how many private posting IDs say otherwise.
on โ21-06-2013 10:14 PM
alright new question why do so many get hung up about private id's when feedback for buyers doesn't matter
on โ21-06-2013 10:14 PM
I totally agree. But when I buy, I buy goods, not feedback. Okay, I don't have 'private' feedback, so that presumably counts me out.
My other, other ID is hanging out for 10, so he can have unlimited posting rights to the boards. After that he won't care.
on โ21-06-2013 10:43 PM
" it doesn't make the item the person bought any nicer, or last longer, or make their butt look smaller...."
hahahaha you made me snort coffee up my nose! :^O
Ever thought of doing stand up Digital Ghost?
I was just thinking re OP...seeing it is an Ebay rule that positive feedback with matching positive comments have to be left for buyers etc Is there really any point any more having feedback for buyers?
Or am I missing something?...
I can understand that it is useful to read reviews about someone you are about to buy from, but I'm not sure there is any value in reviewing buyers as a honest review can't be published anyway?
What does everyone else think?
on โ21-06-2013 10:49 PM
alright new question why do so many get hung up about private id's when feedback for buyers doesn't matter
belinda, the first and most important point I'm trying to get across in this thread is that everyone is different.
Not all buyers view feedback the same way you do, and not all sellers view feedback in the same way.
If one seller says that they can't see why FB for buyers is so important, it's not that much of a stretch to think they probably don't care less whether their own buyers have private or public FB.
But you have already missed the answer from three members in this thread. There are two types of FB you can look at on a member's profile if they are a buyer only - feedback received and feedback left. When a seller says feedback for buyers doesn't mean very much, they are talking about the feedback left for a buyer. But at least three members in this thread, myself included, have spoken about the feedback a buyer leaves, which can be very telling and is completely up to the buyer.
Some sellers do leave comments for buyers that are indications of a less than positive experience (comments about non-payment, follow-ups indicating the buyer initiated a chargeback or other non-desirable things), and if a seller manages to spot them they may help them decide on a certain tact for dealing with that particular buyer. I don't think any seller who holds that view will say feedback for buyers is meaningless, but because it can only be a positive, it's not something the seller can immediately check like a buyer can on a seller's feedback profile - i.e. see at a glance pos / neut / neg ratio. There is no immediate sign that a seller needs to research something, unlike say a FB score of 98% for a seller.
A buyer's feedback profile is not something that can consistently aid a seller in making trading decisions the same way that a seller's feedback profile can help a buyer's purchase decision 100% of the time, which is another reason sellers do not hold much stock in a 100%, all good comments, FB profile.
When it comes to private FB profiles, yes, it can make some (not all) sellers nervous. Private feedback profiles prevent the seller from finding out anything about their trading partner, including the FB they leave for sellers (if they leave it). Most of the time it doesn't matter, but sometimes it might.