on 08-07-2012 01:53 PM
Hi all buyers,
Has anyone else noticed how there seems to be an increase in the amount of overpriced iems for sale on ebay? Its getting harder and harder to find that bargain now. Seems that a lot of sellers dont look at what an item is really worth before listing it on ebay or that they are simply asking too much for what they are trying to sell.
on 08-07-2012 04:15 PM
Just keep doing what you have been doing for the last 12 months and don't bother buying...that'll fix 'em:^O
on 08-07-2012 04:38 PM
and exactly why would it be i have slowed down in buying then??????
on 08-07-2012 05:06 PM
Then I wonder where all the bargains have gone?
Maybe there is just so much for sale on ebay they are getting harder to find in amongst all the Overseas bits and pieces that are new.
Perhaps do a search on auction only - you might have a better chance of finding the genuine bargains - I am sure there are still some out there somewhere
on 08-07-2012 05:16 PM
Well, I assumed (wrongly it seems) that you were not stupid and would not overpay...sorry my mistake..:^O
on 08-07-2012 05:52 PM
Its getting harder and harder to find that bargain now.
I've got a bridge I can sell you cheap 😉
on 08-07-2012 11:47 PM
I've got a bridge I can sell you cheap 😉
on 09-07-2012 06:13 PM
Its getting harder and harder to find that bargain now.
Send me your credit card details and I will show you how many Bargains I can find B-)