sellers avoiding feed back by using classified ads

many sellers  of motor vehicles and motor cycles are using classified ads and not the auction system or buy it now  that way they are avoiding  negative feedback  and i know from experence a lot of the stuff espeicially motor cycles  are  junk   so  do not by fron these sellers unless you can inspect the item yourself BEWARE

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sellers avoiding feed back by using classified ads

hi  The point i am trying to make is  these sellers are using the ebay platform  to sell items  as classified ads  knowing full well  there is no come back for the buyer  on ebay    i know a lot of people who have bought  vehicles mostly motor cycles from USA  from ebay based on item descriptions by sellers  and on feedback profiles   i have myself bought items from overseas  but the only time i have been  stung  is by classified ads     which i think should not be allowed on ebay    dont give me a sermon on buying site unseen  sometimes you have to be proactive and  take a chance    i could name  a few  crooked sellers of vehicles in Australia that advertise on ebay under the classified ad  heading   

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sellers avoiding feed back by using classified ads

Unless it is rare or collectible, buying a car sight unseen is, at best, foolish.


And I very much doubt a scammer would care about feedback. Nor most sellers, for that matter. Most sell for money, not pretty green dots on a screen.

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