shill bidders

If I come across these people as I believe I have recently, How can I best prove it and then stick it to them.

Strange that in all the years I've been bidding it was'nt until I started buying photographic gear that I think I have seen it.

Message 1 of 13
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shill bidders

If you suspect shilling, every listing has a report link and let ebay look at it.


I don't suspect shilling unless all 3 of the following occur. (Can still happen outside of these)


1. High percentage of bids with same seller

2. Same bidders are bidding on unrelated items from same seller

3. High number of bid retractions


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Message 2 of 13
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shill bidders

Honored Contributor

It is very unlikely that you can prove shill bidding, especially if the shiller is good.


And you need to be a bit more sure of your facts than believing/thinking you have seen it.   Just remember....mud sticks.

If you accuse a member of something as serious as shill bidding you need to be very sure of your facts.

Message 3 of 13
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shill bidders

Well said lyndal1835..!!..Cant believe people jump to conclusions like that...

@lyndal1838 wrote:

It is very unlikely that you can prove shill bidding, especially if the shiller is good.


And you need to be a bit more sure of your facts than believing/thinking you have seen it.   Just remember....mud sticks.

If you accuse a member of something as serious as shill bidding you need to be very sure of your facts.


Message 4 of 13
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shill bidders

Yes, shill bidding is a big problem. I have just bid on some jewellery and had 14 bid retractions and found I had the lot. Now reported as one minute I had no wins with one particular buyer (in India) and then the next minute I had a further 7 to pay for as all seven had bid retractions. not that I mind a reasonable price but I only bid on the next lot of jewellery because my previous bids were all outbid. This is a real problem as I had other things I had bid on and had to pay for those, not a problem, but now .....!!!!


Message 5 of 13
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shill bidders

You should not bid on the next item until the auction has finished and you are sure you have not won.

As long as the auction ends and you are not the winner you are free to bid on the next item.....if the winner does not go ahead and the seller offers you a 2nd chance you do not have to accept but if the winner retracts their bid before the end then you are stuck with paying.

Message 6 of 13
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shill bidders

I know I will have to buy the items I bid on but retractions for 14 items is definitely shill bidding....which is not condoned on ebay......some on my other ID too, and as the bidders are hidden with 'private listing' it was a shock to say the least.

Message 7 of 13
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shill bidders

If you don't want the items you could always try reporting the listings to ebay as shill bidding.  If ebay agree they will remove the listings and you won't have to pay.

Unfortunately Private Listings are frequently hiding shill bidding, particularly in Asian countries.


If you want to avoid shill bidding just place one bid of the aount you are prepared to pay for the item as close as possible to the end of the auction.   I usually place my bids in the last 5-10 seconds.   The shiller does not have time to force your bids up.

Message 8 of 13
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shill bidders

I'm a last second bidder too for that reason. If I know I can't bid at the last second, e.g. I'm at work, then I put in my maximum bid before I leave. If I win,  well and good. If I don't,  it went for more than I was prepared to pay. 

Message 9 of 13
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shill bidders

Yes, shill bidding is a big problem. I have just bid on some jewellery and had 14 bid retractions and found I had the lot. Now reported as one minute I had no wins with one particular buyer (in India) and then the next minute I had a further 7 to pay for as all seven had bid retractions. not that I mind a reasonable price but I only bid on the next lot of jewellery because my previous bids were all outbid. This is a real problem as I had other things I had bid on and had to pay for those, not a problem, but now .....!!!!



Yes, I have had bad experiences too.

Had one item I bid back and forth on, with one other buyer, only to be outbid.

I walked away, only to find a few days later that I was the winner as the other person withdrew their bid over 24 hours after bidding.



What it does is push the price up unfairly. I know people say only bid what you are prepared to pay but it leaves a bad feeling in your mouth when you have this sort of thing happen and you suspect shilling. The seller should set a min price they are prepared to pay rather than do it by deceit.


I'm glad you reported them. Personally I would not be paying for the suspect wins & I would be telling the seller why.

Message 10 of 13
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