on โ11-11-2014 11:29 PM
I brought a tens type massage machine and it never arrived I brought it in August and it is the 11th of november I have contacted them many times and theyn say they are out of the office a different date each time
on โ11-11-2014 11:37 PM
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have been Conned & Stalled for the time limit of 45 days. Did you pay by Paypal as that may be your only way of getting a charge back by your bank. ๐
on โ12-11-2014 12:10 AM
You are way over the 45 day time limit to open a dispute.
Your only hope of getting your money back is if you funded your paypal payment with a credit card or Visa debit card. Ask your bank about a chargeback but don't leave it too long as there are timelimits for that too.