on 08-01-2015 03:20 AM
I am looking for help IDing a teddy bear from the mid to late 80's (I got one in 1985). The bear is definatly not Ruxpin. It was a plush with a heart on its chest. When you pressed the heart, it would record its surroundings and play back.
Any ideas what this bear is called?
on 08-01-2015 09:13 AM
Can you upload a photo ? That would be the key I think. Others will be able to tell you in a flash
on 17-01-2015 01:05 PM
This isn't my photo but it's the bear that I was looking for. Now I just need a name. I had posted on another forum and someone responded with this: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jadestoys/5086070662/in/set-72157625119347278