on 15-03-2013 07:30 PM
How many of you subscribe or buy magazines that are for antiques and collectables?
My reason for asking ( yes I am pushing my own barrow LOL) is there is a good article in the Australian Dolls Bears and Collectables on Carnival glass Volume 20 number 1,came out in February.
I have had a hard time finding this magazine and in the end contacted the publisher directly.
How many of you have heard of it?
For my friends that go to Wentworth Park I will take the magazine with me for those that are interested in looking at the article.
on 16-03-2013 07:36 PM
Cheers granny....i'll have a read
on 17-03-2013 05:55 AM
Thank you Pip.
on 17-03-2013 08:14 AM
Sorry granny I didn't really answer your question. I have seen it but I don't buy it as it's not my sort of subject. I do but the Carters mag sometimes. I like the Markets & fairs mag too and I used to buy Collectors when it was published. I don't subscribe to any but buy them when they feature Aus pottery. I always pick up the quarterly free one that are in the Aniques shops and centres as there are some good articles.
I buy every book and catalogue that I can find on any Aussie pottery from any era as they are great to learn from. They also inspire me to collect new things that didn't interest me previously. When you know more about a potter it can open your mind to their work that you might have previously mis judged or not understood,