on 15-09-2012 10:32 PM
Wat kind of Carnival glass is this bowl?
I have my doubts about the packaging as well. Can not see much sturdy packing material to stay under 500g and be safe in a satchel. ?:|.
Cheers, Erica :-x
on 16-09-2012 03:14 AM
Erica the bowl was made by Imperial USA and is called Piller Flute,the colour is Smoke,not found that often in this colour,low to medium price range.
on 16-09-2012 11:13 AM
on 16-09-2012 12:52 PM
Thank you, Granny and Terri.
I may try to get it. I don'tt collect carnival glass, but it would make a nice gift for someone who has a few pieces already.
Erica :-x
on 16-09-2012 04:22 PM
Well, I've got it.
I have no idea of the real value of the bowl, but seems a bargain compared to this one.
The price difference of carnival glass items on offer is mindboggling. 😮
on 17-09-2012 12:59 AM
Granny meant : PILLAR FLUTE :^O 😉
Methinks the consumption of chocolate is dulling her brain :^O
on 17-09-2012 01:12 AM
Erica - the other one you mentioned >>>> CARNIVAL GLASS RARE 6'' BOWL ..... that is a different one to the one you bought.
" Smooth Rays " is difficult to distinguish ( to me ) .... it could be a Northwood, Dugan, Imperial, Westmoreland or Fenton piece...... Granny might be able to tell us the difference ?????? If she can DRAG herself away from eating choccies in Belgium LOL.
on 18-09-2012 02:50 AM
Did not eat any chocolate,just bought a few boxes LOL.
Did have some yummy waffles though.
Have no idea who made the Smooth Rays,they must be out of their mind asking what they are.
I do like the Pillar Flute piece,as I said you do not see smoke that often.
Well done Erica.