on โ08-02-2014 11:44 AM
Would anyone have any idea how I can sell my late father in laws vintage alchohol. I have an over 30yr old bottle 340ml bottle of Drambuie with the original SSW supermarket price sticker of $6.40 on it! I also have an old 24 2/3 fl oz bottle of Tia Maria & 700ml bottle of Galliano in it's original box. All bottles are sealed & unopened. My husband & I are wine drinkers so if we drank these it would be a waste. I would like them to go to someone that would appreciate them but I don't want to give them away either! I know I can't sell them on Ebay as I don't have a licence to do so. Is there anywhere I can take them to sell on my behalf for commission. I live in Victoria. I would be grateful for any advise. Thanks.
on โ08-02-2014 12:15 PM
Any alchohol requires a licence to be sold on ebay.
You could try looking up a trading assistant or contacting a wine seller near you.
on โ08-02-2014 03:20 PM
By no means an expert but liquor does not age in the bottle. More to be point I would think is whether it would be drinkable - should be, if it was stored in a cool dark place. Unless the bottles are collectable for some reason, (and they don't seem old enough for that), I can't see why it would be worth any more than current price, and somewhat less, allowing for possibility that it has deteriorated in some way. But I am sure someone will correct me. If it was me, I would give it to a friend who drinks the stuff.
on โ08-02-2014 05:11 PM
I'm not sure about the other two bottles but the exact same bottle of Drambuie is listed on the Whiskey Exchange for 125 pounds!
on โ09-02-2014 01:26 PM
either way you are not sell alcohol on ebay unless you have a license. and just because something is "LISTED" elsewhere at a high price does not mean it will sell for that price. better off looking for prices at which they dont sell and adjust accordingly.
on โ09-02-2014 01:33 PM
The easiest thing to do would be to send them to a real life B&M auction sale. We see bottles of "vintage" alcohol (spirits) at auction sales all the time - most B&M auction houses these days have a licence to sell alcohol. Mostly they go for a bit less than at Dan Murphy's (taking into account buyer's premium). If you choose one that has their auction on the Internet (most do these days) you can be more certain that if it is something rare, it will find the correct price.