on 27-03-2013 09:46 PM
Hi All,
Just purchased 6 of these beauties today. It's a shape I recognise but can't quite place the maker.
Anyone got any ideas?
on 27-03-2013 09:49 PM
The only label on them anywhere is the Australian manufacturing standards sticker but they could be made anywhere.
on 27-03-2013 10:43 PM
Tim, they look like Chiswell to me but I'm no expert. :^O I do like them though, very retro. :-x
on 28-03-2013 08:03 AM
agree Mon, Chiswell or Parker of the 1970s perhaps.
sorry Tim, no back up evidence, just a Granny's thoughts 🙂
on 28-03-2013 12:18 PM
Used to have a set of 12 Parker chairs and a matching table, they were all stamped as Parker. Somehow these don't look right for Parker, but have never heard of Chiswell. Rather think I know nothing about furniture.
on 28-03-2013 08:59 PM