itmes removed by eBay staff

Community Member

Sorry im new here on eBay

I listed a heap of items, some new some old, like ww2 united states navy officers rank shoulder boards, SAS ( Australian & British Special forces) and some 1957 west German medals and badges, now none of these were law enforcement related or Hatred NAZI related yet when I ask where did I go wrong with my listings, I get no rely So I show a Australian power seller listings that list the exact same items as I did, I give these item numbers to ebay and guess what he/she can list them as they are all fine.

I understand the need to police listings to insure all guidelines are effective, what I don’t understand is how difficult it is to try and get feedback from eBay as to what part of the listings broke the guidelines, They state we cannot give that information out as the items have already been removed, then I ask what a bout a power seller that pays eBay $499 a month for a super store, how is it that their items are still listed and have images of Nazi soldiers.

I guess I realy just want to know if eBayers  new & old, big sellers and small dealers get to play on the same field, or dose the powersellers have extra rights like to list hundreds of NAZI items and SAS items and not one of them gets removed.

Im a little angry so im sorry if this post gets up some sellers nose, its not meant to upset anyone, I have just notice that small time sellers like myself get listings removed that don’t break any guide lines, yet some power sellers could probably list Adolf Hitler’s hand signed phone, and it would not be removed.

I put another post up about negative feedback that disappears without the persons who put the negative feedback there Knowledge.

Maybe eBay some ebay staff have a vested interest in insuring one Australian Powers seller dose not have any competition. Don’t know, who knows      Ill probably get banned for saying that !! but you get that hey

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itmes removed by eBay staff

I'll have a go at answering this one too.

First I do not often list old Military items, but know that it is very tricky what you can and can't list - there seem to be continual changes. However you seem to have your head around that so I will assume that what you listed was within eBay guidelines. However do check that the items you are complaining about being listed on eBay while yours were removed are listed through eBay Australia and NOT through eBay USA or UK for example - there are different rules for different jurisdictions. I know you are new to eBay but the fact that you can see and buy them through eBay Australia does not mean they are listed through eBay Australia - if you have not done so, just check this out first.

However I can almost guarantee you that your items were not removed by eBay itself BUT because someone reported your items to eBay as breaking the listing rules. eBay does not have the staff to constantly monitor listings - it relies on others reporting items listed wrongly. Have a look - every item listing has an option - Report Item.  Looking at your listings and reading the guide you posted the other day, it is clear you have major issues with many sellers already here on eBay, in regards to particular items they are selling. I have no way of knowing who is right and who is wrong, but when the wording on your listings accuses others of what amounts to, at the best, mis-representation,  is it surprising that they would want to get your competing items removed? I am not condoning this attitude, merely pointing out what seems to me to have likely happened.

I admit is it very frustrating that eBay will not tell you exactly WHY your items have been removed but that is what you will find you get from eBay.

Obviously you are a knowledgeable person, with some nice items to sell. My advice would be to go along quietly, sell some other items, and when you have accumulated some Feedback as a Seller, you might think about revisiting those particular items. However if it was ME, I would delete most of the info on your listings that suggests other eBay sellers may be  mis-representing items. It only annoys them and encourages them to report your items. Get some good Feedback (as a Seller), price your items attractively and I am sure you will make some good sales. JMO.

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itmes removed by eBay staff

Community Member

cheers mate will do and thanks for the advice

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