on 19-09-2012 05:12 PM
never done a market and everyone here talks about this place. do you need insurance to sell ? is it busy and is there room for the novice. i have most of the stuff people inquire about on this site to sell ..any other suggestions?
on 20-09-2012 12:08 AM
Give the organizers a ring,you will most likely go on a waiting list.
They have only public liability insurance,it is up to you if you want to cover your stock.
It can be very busy there but over the last couple of months it has been up and down.
Buyers there want bargains and are very reluctant to pay much for anything.But in saying that high priced items have sold, but do not think it will happen every month.It is a bonus when a seller does sell a high priced item.
Then they do a "Happy Dance"
on 20-09-2012 08:20 AM
thank you....the silence was deafing there for a moment.
so if i put up a sign saying "" welcome to my stall.all items here have failed dismally on ebay'''' do you think i would attract any interest. or do normal people go.
on 20-09-2012 10:15 AM
:^O @ your sign!!
I think I'm pretty 'normal' and I go as often as possible. Granny is a seller there so she speaks from much experience. 🙂 There seemed to be less tables this month so I'm thinking a few were a 'no show'. I think it would be a good idea to go along as a 'buyer' and look at what's there to see if you could 'compete' with others.
on 20-09-2012 03:14 PM
Mon you are sure normal,not so sure about myself.LOL
I have a great time there even when things are very slow.Meet many friendly people, sellers and buyers.
Love it when friends from here all meet up for a coffee and a cake.
I have learnt a lot and still do.
What Mon said makes sense,that is what I did goodness knows how many years ago.
If you do go I will not be there in October but will be there in November,let me know through here and we could meet for a chat.