on 01-06-2013 03:26 AM
Hiya I thought these may have been the Casey ware mugs with the lady in different poses after too much alcohol.,
However the set of 6 mugs I have are more explicit with far less clothing than the ones shown in the Peoples Potteries book.
Anybody got any ideas who made them ? Japanese lookalikes or Australian. , c1940s- 50s.
on 01-06-2013 08:25 AM
I dont know but..... 😮
on 01-06-2013 10:54 PM
They would have to go straight to the pool room, wouldn't they?
Sorry, I've never seen anything quite like them. (not necessarily a bad thing)
on 02-06-2013 12:42 PM
hiya OWL,
" Casey Ware employed Don Montague, a modeller who was also a commercial photographer and from time to time produced some whimsical wares" excerpt from the peoples pottery book.
There also is a photo of seven mugs.
I have only 6 mugs. and yes more than likely would go in a pool room :^O