21-03-2022 09:38 PM - edited 21-03-2022 09:40 PM
As of last Friday, when I access these Discussion Boards on my iPhone in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc., there is no drop-down or pop-up menu for navigating the boards - or at least, not in many of the sub-boards/sub-forums.
That is, the drop-down appears, but it is entirely blank and covers most of the page.
To give just a few instances, the menu appears in the Technical Issues sub-forum but not in several others (Buying, Selling, Community Spirit, and more).
The IT department will need to check the coding in each sub-forum of the boards in order to fix it. For each day of delay, I shall kill a moth, and this slaughter will continue until the problem is solved. (To be honest, I will continue to slay moths even afterwards... Sorry: it's not much of an inducement...)
I humbly ask that the problem be sorted out.
Mobile version of webpage showing the three horizontal lines top left, which when pressed activate the menu drop-down.
Same page - drop-down blank.
But here, the drop-down menu is functional, not blank.
on 21-03-2022 09:57 PM
There you go.
eBay have obviously 'improved' things in their general Friday 'maintenance'. Aka fixing things that aren't broken, rather that dedicating energy to things that are broken.
I can't comment further - I only access eBay through the proper site on a real computer
on 21-03-2022 11:04 PM
I infinitely prefer accessing the proper site on a real computer. Sometimes I'm out of reach of my home computer and I resort to my iPhone (or iPad if I have it with me).
Yes... improvement is the word they use. I think of it more as tinkering or the old "look busy" trick.
on 25-03-2022 09:19 AM
The issue appears to have been fixed.
I can see that the navigation menu now appears again as a drop-down (or should it be “drop-over”?) panel in the sub-forums/sub-boards on these Community boards.
Thank you to the IT team, and one moth shall be caught and safely released outside (if possible).