170 days and no jobs created...

...well done LNP:)
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170 days and no jobs created...

As if the damage at 100 days wasn't enough.

breaking promises feature


Tony Abbott has been in power since 7 September 2013. From that moment, he and his government have broken promises and hurt Australians.

This post will be regularly updated to keep track of the Abbott Governmentโ€™s broken promises and everything his Government does to hurt Australians.

Each separate item will have a link to a source. Broken promises appear in bold and in a separate list at the end.


Message 21 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

I would really like to C&P all of that list Woman Wink

Don't blame me that it is a long one ...I didn't vote for our current PM.


Message 22 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

@izabsmiling wrote:

I would really like to C&P all of that list Woman Wink

Don't blame me that it is a long one ...I didn't vote for our current PM.


I was wondering if there is a list of the all the cuts to funding they've either already implemented or are pending. I did put a few together on a thread the other day, there are lots. Woman Happy

Message 23 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...


Message 24 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

Do we wait for the Qantas unions to call a strike, or perhaps they  might even obtain an injunction to prevent  workers having a say in their future, which in the case of Toyota resulted in : no future !



Message 25 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

What's the latest job creation figures? Anyone?
Message 26 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

Spot, well there is this........




The Abbott Governmentโ€™s assault on workers continues today with shocking reports that it intends to make it easier for employers to bypass local workers and Australian industries.

The reports outline the Coalitionโ€™s intention to make it easier for employers to hire 457 visa workers and for major projects to import what they need from China with no obligation to prove they have given local industry an opportunity to bid through the Australian Jobs Act.

ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver said, โ€œIn the same month that saw the release of the worst unemployment figures in over a decade the Abbott Government has called for a review into 457 visa use to help employers fill job vacancies with international workers.โ€

โ€œThis is appalling policy that will make it more difficult for the growing number of Australians who have lost their jobs to find work.โ€

โ€œHelping employers bypass local workers is the opposite of what we should be doing right now. We need a plan to combat unemployment, get people into work and create new opportunities. The Government is supposed to fight for jobs, not send them off shore.โ€

โ€œThe use of 457 visas has a particularly devastating effect on youth employment. We should be creating training opportunities, not pulling money out of Tafes and trade training schools and giving employers the green light to fill their skills need with international workers.โ€

Mr Oliver said it was more bad news for local industries with the Abbott Government intending to scrap the Australian Jobs Act.

โ€œThis intention of the Act is to maximise the benefits of the mining boom and give Australian industries a fair and reasonable chance to bid for projects.โ€

โ€œHere is an example of a Government who is not prepared to stand up and fight for jobs. Instead itโ€™s actively dismantling schemes designed to create jobs.โ€


Message 27 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

Don't worry.

When the Australian workers start revolts, we will quickly see Russian ships in our ports and Putin will be running the country.



Message 28 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

 โ€œIn the same month that saw the release of the worst unemployment figures in over a decade.....'
Not that the ALP's head office, the ACTU,  would present a selective statement or  have an axe to grind,  would they?

Figures can be fun, when the Poor Me and Rudd circus commenced, the unemployment rate was 4.5%, when they were finally kicked out of the ring it was 5.8%.

"worst unemployment figures in over a decade": OK, here is an interesting graph that covers a period " in over a decade" :-


Whoops,  perhaps the attempt at at nominating a carefully selected period was phrased badly (try worst unemployment figures in  a decade)


As for 457 visas, It would appear that 457 visa numbers  have been actively supported by both governments over time (457 Visas represent  0.9% of the work force, ABS)


457 visas.jpg

If one checks (??)  "it will be found that employees on 457 visas earn significantly more than non-457 workers.
Across all industries, 457 visa holders earn 34% more than local staff on average. This illustrates a huge gulf between 457 salaries and average local salaries. With an average annual base salary of $94,000, the average 457 visa holder sits comfortably above the 75th percentile of Australian full time salaries."

I have noticed that amongst those working under 457 visas that there is not a category for trade union officials or spin doctors,  probably because the visas are issued to skilled workers.



Message 29 of 30
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170 days and no jobs created...

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
What's the latest job creation figures? Anyone?

It's an operational matter

Message 30 of 30
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