4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

The challenge ends on Wednesday, 9th November 2022 during the evening.


The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round.


The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of the challenge.


In the event of a tie, the OP will declare the winner.


NOTE: Please post the artist and song title (or composer and title) and include the YouTube link without actually embedding the video.

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4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

One eyed, One horned Flying Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley



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4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

Ends this evening.

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4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

4-Day Music Challenge -THEME: Anything that Flies

Congratulations twyngwyn, our clear winner.


Over to you.

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