4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Four Day Music Challenge ~ Doors and Windows

Ends Saturday at 8 p.m EDST (Sydney time) Good luck.

NO EMBEDDED VIDEOS OR IMAGES PLEASE This is to accomodate those on slow or mobile internet connections. Any embedded videos entered will be deemed invalid.
The poster of the video which has received the most kudos at the end wins the challenge. The winner chooses the next theme, starts a new thread, hosts it, and declares the eventual new winner with the most kudos, with the winning entry post number and song details.
If a winner of a theme does not claim the win for whatever reason after 24 hours, the host can nominate a new winner, the next in line, second best scorer... the same guides apply for ties, if the next in line are tied.
In the event of a tie, the host can choose a winner e.g. which entry he/she favours, earliest entry, or which best suits the theme, etc.
If a duplicate version of a song (even if with a different video URL link) happens to be posted in error, the earliest post takes precedence.
As a winner, you can copy and paste this head info post into the new thread (Remember to update the end date and time!...) In this way the challenge threads can be self running (no other prizes, sorry...)
All are welcome to take part, even if you don't post a video yourself - just kudo the posted videos you like. If you are technically challenged and don't know how to post a video link (don't worry, you will not be the first), just ask, and someone will guide you
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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Lookin' Out My Back Door.........CCR      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeJuUqDqY00

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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

The Gambler.......Kenny Rogers       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esAr0qGu2S4

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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

one of my favourites


Cleaning windows  -  Van Morrison








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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Community Member

Grateful Dead - Box of Rain






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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

She Came in Through The Bathroom Window 


Joe Cocker



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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Reminds Me of You


Van Morrison



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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Crowded House - Nails In My Feet



My life is a house
You crawl through the window
Slip across the floor and into the reception room
You enter the place of endless persuasion
Like a knock on the door
When there's ten or more things to do)




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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

I Will Survive


Gloria Gaynor



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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Eddie Hodges~ I'm Gonna Knock On Your Door




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4 Day Music Challenge. Theme is Doors and Windows

Mary Hopkin ~ Knock Knock Who's There 1970



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