on 16-01-2015 08:13 PM
on 16-01-2015 08:14 PM
on 16-01-2015 08:34 PM
on 16-01-2015 08:35 PM
Ian Dury and the Blockheads - Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll
on 16-01-2015 08:43 PM
Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies...
Somebody calls you - you answer quite slowly -
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes!...
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ~ Miley Cyrus
Shortly after the song's release, speculation arose that the first letter of each of the title nouns intentionally spelled LSD.... the BBC banned the song... In a 2004 interview it was claimed that the song is about LSD...
on 16-01-2015 08:44 PM
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 - White Lines!
on 16-01-2015 09:03 PM
on 16-01-2015 09:04 PM
on 16-01-2015 09:05 PM
on 16-01-2015 09:08 PM