A bit of good news - political

it's a start......




Making his first post-budget address-in-reply speech as Opposition Leader, Mr Shorten rounded on Prime Minister Tony Abbott for breaking promises. He vowed  to block punitive changes to Newstart that would force some young unemployed people to exist without the dole, along with a shift in the pension age to 70, tightening of Family Tax Benefit Part B eligibility relating to children aged over six, and the move to restore twice yearly indexation to fuel excise.


The planned $7 per visit charge for seeing a  GP will also be blocked, with Mr Shorten slamming it as “ideological” and more akin to the hardline right-wing policies of the Tea Party in the US. However Mr Shorten declined to propose alternative savings.


In a hard-hitting speech emphasising what the opposition says were “wilful” lies told to the Australian people, Mr Shorten told Parliament Australians were both shocked and angry “at a prime minister who pretended he was on their side”.

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A bit of good news - political

So you see blocking supply as a good thing , you see a double dissolution election that will send as back to the polls as a good thing , you see the millions of dollars it will cost for another election as a good thing ,you see all this to stroke labor ego as a good thing, you see measures to lower debt as a bad thing.

Even tho I will cop a hammering in this budget it is far better than the billions to be payed to overseas countries in interest payments, even good debt becomes toxic when the cost of the repayments outstrips the ability to pay it back.
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A bit of good news - political

Community Member



Labor leader Bill Shorten just spoke for 30 minutes in the parliament, criticising everything but did not put a single policy or idea forward. More importantly, there was not one single idea on how to bring down the debt that his party wracked up over the past six years.



Message 3 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
So you see blocking supply as a good thing , you see a double dissolution election that will send as back to the polls as a good thing , you see the millions of dollars it will cost for another election as a good thing ,you see all this to stroke labor ego as a good thing, you see measures to lower debt as a bad thing.

Even tho I will cop a hammering in this budget it is far better than the billions to be payed to overseas countries in interest payments, even good debt becomes toxic when the cost of the repayments outstrips the ability to pay it back.



Very well said 

Message 4 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

Tonight’s address-in-reply to the Budget by Bill Shorten was his opportunity to finally explain to the Australian people his plan to start paying down Labor’s record debt. It was also his opportunity to show that Labor had changed since the Rudd/Gillard years.
Instead, Mr Shorten completely failed this test.

He offered no solutions – and accepted no responsibility to help fix the mess left by Labor.
His speech was all politics, and no economics.

Bill Shorten and Chris Bowen left Australia with a projected record $667 billion debt, but aren’t prepared to work with the Australian Government to begin fixing Labor's mess.

Nine months after being rejected by the Australian people, Labor has not changed and Mr Shorten is showing no leadership.
Message 5 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

Darn good response it was too, very inspiring and uplifting IMO, we all joined in the gallery's cheers here at home too Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

nerowulf, whatever.


It's very good news for many people no matter what spin and floss is added.Woman Happy

Message 7 of 56
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A bit of good news - political


Message 8 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

@boris1gary wrote:

nerowulf, whatever.


It's very good news for many people no matter what spin and floss is added.Woman Happy

  So what is Labors plan to fix the mess they created and to pay back the debt......


They dont seem to have one now do they...



Message 9 of 56
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A bit of good news - political

I hope the $7 Medical fee and the new dole waiting time conditions for some,fly out the window.

Message 10 of 56
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