on 05-09-2014 08:09 AM
on 05-09-2014 08:17 AM
I'm barracking for the CATS............kick some Hawk bootie......
on 05-09-2014 08:55 AM
Good Luck for your Cats tonight Nic
but I'm really thinking.....
on 05-09-2014 09:49 AM
Any Swans fans around??
Go Freo!!!!
on 05-09-2014 11:10 AM
on 05-09-2014 03:24 PM
on 05-09-2014 06:33 PM
Oh I'm so sick of the Cats... No offence Cats fans but they have just been up there for too many years now (I'm a Bulldogs supporter.... yeah I know :() So all I can say is;
Carn the mighty Tiges, they are my second fave team and I'd so love to see them take it out this year.
on 05-09-2014 10:10 PM
Half way through the last quarter and the Hawks are leading by 16, GO HAWKS (even though I hate you too lol, but I'd rather you than the cats)
on 05-09-2014 10:12 PM
Make that 22 lol
on 05-09-2014 10:17 PM