on 27-07-2013 04:41 PM
Just few facts:
on 27-07-2013 05:47 PM
on 27-07-2013 07:17 PM
DY: "Facts aren't his strong point and some people aren't interested in them whatsoever."
Chuckle, that statement would be well applied to very many here DY, as I am sure you well know !
on 27-07-2013 07:30 PM
I overlooked this additional chuckle of yours DY: "It's called tunnel vision, ignorance and an inability to be objective."
My term for the flocks here are the Acolyte Myopics who like yourself DY, NW, LL et al , also suffer from the same intellectual disabilities, not serious but often humorous.
on 27-07-2013 07:42 PM
on 27-07-2013 07:44 PM
on 27-07-2013 09:03 PM
@just_me_karen wrote:
I'm chuckling because Andrew bolt is debating Kevin Rudd tomorrow morning. 10:00 on 10, I think.
Seriously? Why would Rudd even bother? Why would Bolt even try?
on 27-07-2013 09:33 PM
on 27-07-2013 09:35 PM
on 27-07-2013 09:48 PM
@i-need-a-martini wrote:
@just_me_karen wrote:
I'm chuckling because Andrew bolt is debating Kevin Rudd tomorrow morning. 10:00 on 10, I think.Seriously? Why would Rudd even bother? Why would Bolt even try?
Rudd would bother so Bolt doesn't have a rant about how chicken he is.
Bolt will bother so he can try to get the upper hand and make a fool of Rudd.