Abbott wants first Australian referendum

He is really keen for this apparently

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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

HAHAHAHAHA, not surprised if this was true.


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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

Then again they do not have a photo.

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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

Community Member


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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

that he would do this at any time is unacceptable.  if any other employee fell asleep at their desk they would be sacked.

Such is life.
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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

bit emotive I think?????

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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

Abbott wants first Australian referendum

Updated: 01:27, Saturday March 16, 2013


Tony Abbott says a coalition government would have a 'new engagement' with indigenous affairs, including constitutional recognition of Aboriginal people as the first Australians.

Speaking in Sydney, Mr Abbott said indigenous affairs will be a priority and focus for a coalition government if it's elected to govern at September's federal election.

Tony Abbott says the first lot of Australians were chosen by the Finest Judges in England

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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

British values, institutions have stood the test of time, Tony Abbott says




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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

British values, institutions have stood the test of time, Tony Abbott says



 So when the plane bringing me back to Britain flew low up the Thames Valley and I saw for the first time as an adult Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s cathedral and the Tower of London, I had a sense of belonging, not because I was born here but because our culture was. Australians shouldn’t be oblivious to our heritage just because we have refined it and improved it and because we also honour the way it has been added to and deepened by the people of many other cultures who have been attracted to it.




Abbott criticised for 'urban Aboriginal' comment

Posted Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:04pm AEDT


The nephew of West Australian Liberal MP Ken Wyatt says it is offensive for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to use the phrase "urban Aboriginal" to describe his uncle.

The Australian newspaper reports Mr Abbott allegedly described Ken Wyatt at a dinner on Saturday night as "not a man of culture".

Mr Abbott today did not deny he had made the remark, and described Mr Wyatt - the first Indigenous MP in the House of Representatives - as an "urban Aboriginal".

He made the comment as he confirmed he wanted Country Liberal Party MLA Alison Anderson to stand for the federal seat of Lingiari.

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Abbott wants first Australian referendum

Now, I know that there are some Aboriginal people who aren’t happy with Australia Day. For them it remains Invasion Day. I think a better view is the view of Noel Pearson, who has said that Aboriginal people have much to celebrate in this country’s British Heritage’

 Tony Abbott

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