on 10-05-2015 10:51 AM
I volunteer at a regional gallery and get to meet some wonderful, weird and wacky people.
But the ones that get up my goat are the ones who say "That looks like something a 5 year old would do." and expect me to agree with them.
And whilst we have a lot of community exhibitions that are amateurish enough (so perhaps the comment may be fair enough), the comment is usually reserved for iconic artists in major travelling exhibitions who are extremely well known.
Does anyone here like abstract art? And if you really hate it, why?
on 10-05-2015 12:55 PM
I love all art and all types of art but some installations worry me. I can't stand it when people say "I know what I like" its' stupid and closed minded.
All art is wonderful, an expressiion of us all and I just love it.
on 10-05-2015 12:55 PM
I have no idea how abstract is judged as good or bad. Some of it I love but don't always know why. I enjoy most of Kandinsky's works and find them fascinating and could gaze at them for hours
On the other hand does any Melburnian remember The Yellow Peril (The vault) that was placed in our city square some years back? At a great cost. It was so derided that it was eventually removed and dumped in some edge of the city place.
I was one of those who disliked it but had many arguments with an artist friend who loved it with a passion.
on 10-05-2015 01:06 PM
@lurker172602 wrote:
When I view art with my son the artist (who much to rabbits probable disgust did spend four years at university studying art), he suggests to me that if it made me think about it, if it encouraged us to have a conversation about it, if it moved me in any way, even negatively, then the artist has achieved what they set out to do. Art isn't just about being pretty or exact representations, it is about thinking and feeling and extending ourselves.
In that case Lurks I must be an artist of some renown. Often the things I post do all of the things that you have described,
"...if it encouraged us to have a conversation about it, if it moved me in any way, even negatively, then the artist has achieved what they set out to do"
Now all I have to do is work out a way of getting paid for my "art" 🙂
on 10-05-2015 03:02 PM
Uh oh, you might be opening a can of worms here martini!
I like abstract art, and know a lot about it. I think its great that you volunteer your time at the local regional gallery- us artists need people like you to support us! So, thank you.
That comment 'that looks like something a 5 year old would do' shows how ignorant the speaker is, unfortunately for them.
I think its Ok not to like work, and its OK to not understand work- but that comment is dismissive and a deflection. Why bother going to an art gallery if you want to see the same thing over and over- surely you want to see different things that challenge/ interest/ excite/ perplex/inspire you? And I would bet a 5 year looking at art is not saying- Oh I could do that! Theyre saying- thats cool, I like those colours, or check that out its a wheel or something, or nah, dont like that, it looks dead..etc.
I think the name 'artist' is too easily used- I was told a few months ago' Oh everybody wants to be an artist!' Really? An artists world isnt the opening of an exhibition! Its bl**dy hard work trying to create something with your hands from your imagination- its not play, its often not even fun- its a type of commitment and a sort of madness..I wouldnt wish it on anyone- it makes you question everything, and you are only too aware of not having the answers...there are definitely easier ways of having a life- thats why when I have heard 'it must be so nice being an artist' I groan inwardly..and when Ive had people say 'wow that work is expensive' they dont realise that the majority of artists in Australia- if they are fortunate- will only ever earn the minimum wage from selling work alone. Artists pay at least 40%- some 50% to a gallery dealer, they pay for rent on their studio, photography, materials, sometimes manufacturing,freight and then whats left is their wage...figure it..and then figure it for their whole lives..there are easier ways of making money., and there are easier ways of living.
on 10-05-2015 03:07 PM
Bright, Vault- created by Ron Robertson-Swann is now outside ACCA (Australian Centre Contemporary Art) in Southbank, a block away from NGV International.
on 10-05-2015 03:10 PM
Oh I didn't know that. So it's been moved. I had to say I felt sorry for the creator when it was hidden away earlier.
on 10-05-2015 03:12 PM
@lurker172602 wrote:
When I view art with my son the artist (who much to rabbits probable disgust did spend four years at university studying art), he suggests to me that if it made me think about it, if it encouraged us to have a conversation about it, if it moved me in any way, even negatively, then the artist has achieved what they set out to do. Art isn't just about being pretty or exact representations, it is about thinking and feeling and extending ourselves.
Lurker, your son is both clever and wise!
(much to rabbits probable disgust, I spent 7 years studying) yikes lol
on 10-05-2015 03:17 PM
@bright.ton42 wrote:Oh I didn't know that. So it's been moved. I had to say I felt sorry for the creator when it was hidden away earlier.
It looks very beautiful next to the corten steel facade of ACCA, and the scale of Vault is better in that landscape..
on 10-05-2015 03:19 PM
@youcandoityoucandoityoucandoit wrote:
@lurker172602 wrote:
When I view art with my son the artist (who much to rabbits probable disgust did spend four years at university studying art), he suggests to me that if it made me think about it, if it encouraged us to have a conversation about it, if it moved me in any way, even negatively, then the artist has achieved what they set out to do. Art isn't just about being pretty or exact representations, it is about thinking and feeling and extending ourselves.Lurker, your son is both clever and wise!
(much to rabbits probable disgust, I spent 7 years studying) yikes lol
Thanks youcan. He's also kind and thoughtful and loving.
(says a very proud mum on Mothers Day 😀❤️)
on 10-05-2015 03:21 PM
Nice one!