Air for sale?


You can rub your eyes all you want, but the above absurd statement remains the same. Someone claimed to have “captured” air during a concert on Kanye’s 2013 Yeezustour and actually tried peddling it on eBay last weekend. The initial asking price was merely $5.00, but after more than 90 bids, that number ballooned to a monstrous $60,000


Probably fake bids, the listing was removed before it ended...


Heres a listing for some;


Upon doing a search I also found this, I larfed but it does come with a warning, if you're easily grossed out or offended maybe dont click...


I wonder how much I could get for a bag of cat farts lol

Message 1 of 21
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Air for sale?

Joanie is right..........we don't have service stations any more in the US...........just gas stations...........with a machine you have to stick coins in to fill your tires.  Pull in, you won't see 4 or 5 clean-cut attendants dashing out to help you, just some gum-chewing mouth-breather to collect your money after you have been staniding out in the rain pumping your own gas.  (Except in Oregon, where we are more civilized).


Message 11 of 21
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Air for sale?

"mouth breather" LOL

Is that the same as an oxygen thief ?
Message 12 of 21
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Air for sale?

No, they're the ones you see at a mall, reading the store directory while moving their lips........\

Message 13 of 21
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Air for sale?

We actually have the Z service stations here in NZ now that will put your petrol in for you and clean your windows.

I alway go to them

Air is still free in NZ

Message 14 of 21
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Air for sale?

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

Joanie is right..........we don't have service stations any more in the US...........just gas stations...........with a machine you have to stick coins in to fill your tires.  Pull in, you won't see 4 or 5 clean-cut attendants dashing out to help you, just some gum-chewing mouth-breather to collect your money after you have been staniding out in the rain pumping your own gas.  (Except in Oregon, where we are more civilized).


And now the attendants would say, "gee, I think I'd better get you some new blades,  that cap needs replacing.  Tyres haven't got long,  oil's looking a bit dirty".





Message 15 of 21
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Air for sale?

Perhaps, but when I ran my station, my employees were trained to look for potential time, as I was washing the headlights on a Ford LTD, I pointed out that one of them was probably not working, since it was darker than the others.  The lady turned on the headlights, and it came we were looking at it, it blew.........she asked, "How did you do that?"

Message 16 of 21
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Air for sale?

At one time you could buy tins of Toowoomba mountain air comercialy processed  with instructions on how to open them to get the best benifit of the fresh mountain air.

Have also seen big sales of bottled Australian bulldust.

The best effort would have to go to one local in Alice Springs during the 1960's who was selling murky,sandy water in jars to the tourists

as very rare Tod river water. It was quite dry here then.


Message 17 of 21
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Air for sale?

In Australia it is an OH&S requirement that the service station staff don't fill customers cars as the catalyst used to stop your engine blowing up, Benzene is one if the most carcinogenic compounds know to man. In the US the fuel filler nozzle has a vapour recovery system to limit the amount of unburnt fuel vapour being inhaled not in this backwards country
Message 18 of 21
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Air for sale?

I worked in service stations for 20 years, and I'm nerfectly pormal........

Message 19 of 21
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Air for sale?

I remember a 5-and-dime here selling cans of dehydrated water in the 70's..............

Message 20 of 21
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