Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"


After watching Q & A  with David Suzuki....I am starting to  feel kind of sorry for Alarmists....



David Suzuki also had to admit  he was



"David Suzuki on the very first question is revealed as a complete know-nothing. His questioner tells him that the main climate


data sets show no real warming for some 15 years.


Suzuki asks for the references, which he should have known if he knew anything of the science.


His questioner then lists them: UAH, RSS, HadCrut and GISS - four of the most basic measurement systems of global




Suzuki asks what they are.


Anyone interested in global warming should know right there that Suzuki has absolutely no understanding of what he is talking




For Example - 


Challenged from the floor by Professor Stewart Franks, Suzuki admits he might have been mistaken in claiming global warming


was causing more cyclones, which he blamed for killing the Great Barrier Reef. He blames some Australian for “suggesting” it to


him. The truth, as I’ve noted before, is easily found on the Bureau of Meteorology website:.."



Between Tim Flannery and David Suzuki, it must be very embarrassing time to be an

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

I tried to click on REPLY & instead gave KUDO   Cat Frustrated


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 11 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

Yet didn't reply to the topic.......typical Alarmist.............





Woman LOLWoman LOL



"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 12 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:

Between Tim Flannery and David Suzuki, it must be a very embarrassing time to be an


When Alarmisim is completely dead..... I do hope you find a new fairytale to believe in.....

 Like 'sovereign borders ' or 'direct action' Smiley LOL

facts have a way of enduring, Bleep just fades away.. bye.

Message 13 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

@***super_nova*** wrote:

I tried to click on REPLY & instead gave KUDO   Cat Frustrated

 not to worry, being fooled so badly is sufficient a price. let them have the kudo ..

Message 14 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

Really? is the Alarmists that are being fooled by Tim Flannery and David Suzuki................ Woman Wink

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 15 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:



David Suzuki also had to admit  he was


Well, yes, scientists often admit that they are not clairvoyant, and sometimes things do not turn out quite the way they expected.  But the deniers are always right, aren't you?


Also David Suzuki admitted that he did not know because the question that was asked was about the IPCC report that has not been properly released.  You and your sources got their information from the gutter press in UK. and it is totally wrong.  It has been already disputed, and as usual, the acknowledgement that they were wrong although printed was few lines somewhere on back page.  But of-course, you missed that.


Reports on leaked IPCC study like a bad game of Chinese whispers


What do you get when cross a game of Chinese whispers, an ideologically-driven section of the press, a failure to check facts and the absence of a time machine?

You get the latest shambles in climate change reporting that has unnecessarily left people confused and misled about the true state of climate change science and the risks of pumping fossil fuels into the atmosphere.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 16 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

Are you upset because he accused Tony Abbott of wilful blindness?

Message 17 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

@lakeland27 wrote:

@***super_nova*** wrote:

I tried to click on REPLY & instead gave KUDO   Cat Frustrated

 not to worry, being fooled so badly is sufficient a price. let them have the kudo ..

Is there way to un-kudo? 


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 18 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

Yes, you click on the options button at the top of the post and you can remove the kudo.

Message 19 of 213
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Alarmist David Suzuki - a "complete know-nothing"

@donnashuggy wrote:

Are you upset because he accused Tony Abbott of wilful blindness?

      I really don't mind what he says about Tony Abbott.....  Woman Wink



"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

Message 20 of 213
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