Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

Extrapolating a tentative word from China from legit medical sources ,  is that guy's beware , your family jewels might get coronavirus bashed in the event of infection



Now do you want to party ? 

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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

@tasfleur wrote:

Don't worry rogespeed ... I know they really do understand your posts;   they are kind, intelligent and literate folks and they are just exercising their sense of humour (which is also highly developed, and a bit naughty at times) ... Woman LOL



Is a shame the subject matter revolves around people dying, social misery and economic disruptions - i think after this passes i will concentrate on a forum relating to sunset photography in overcast or yak farming in semi-arid regions 

Message 21 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

Yak farming .. now there's an interesting topic.


Did you know that the mating call of the yak can cover a range of two octaves?


This means, that if you were able to record it at the height of the yakking season, the chance of writing a yak sonata for cello, viola da gamba and/or viola would be quite possible, even successful.  Can't you just imagine it?  You could be famous!


Yakapella Funny Singing Yak Design- Yaks Singing Acapella - Yak ...







Message 22 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

@springyzone wrote:

Planning a family, are you roge?Smiley Happy


I hope you are meeting your viral mitigation expectations then.Smiley Happy

I have protection - one must take the initiative 






* CanStockPhoto Invoice / Order Id : 5968080  Licensed for me to use under EULA section 4 - 4


Message 23 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

@tasfleur wrote:

Don't worry rogespeed ... I know they really do understand your posts;   they are kind, intelligent and literate folks and they are just exercising their sense of humour (which is also highly developed, and a bit naughty at times) ... Woman LOL



Message 24 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations


When all this is over and friends are back here,

We'll dance and "Be Happy" again with no fear!


Message 25 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

happy dance!!! - My snoopy dance | Meme Generator | Snoopy happy ...

Message 26 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

Happy dance GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Message 27 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

Woman LOL ... love the tutu!

Message 28 of 29
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Another reason to be diligent about meeting viral mitigation expectations

This morning, I put a teddy bear in two front windows so that anyone walking by can see them.  They are doing that in Canada too.


In Italy, they are singing to each other from their balconies, so isolation doesn't have to mean utter lonliness and no communication.


People can be resilient, and shine through regardless ...


Happiness hinges on the lives of others | University of Cambridge



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