01-12-2016 07:14 PM - edited 01-12-2016 07:16 PM
'He said she was his girlfriend':
Asylum seeker, 29, who 'kept girl, 15, captive for a month in his Sydney home and sexually assaulted her' told his landlord they were DATING.
A girl who was allegedly held captive by an asylum seeker for a month in his Sydney home has been found after she was seen running barefoot for her life down a Western Sydney street.
The 15-year-old foster-home girl was allegedly kept as a hostage in a Blacktown home, in Sydney's west, for four weeks before she was seen by police being chased down a nearby street at 1.30am on Thursday.
When police saw the horrific scene unfold, the girl and her alleged captor were both taken back to Blacktown Police Station.
The girl was later taken to The Children's Hospital at Westmead for medical assessment, and was released a short time later.
She told police she had been sexually assaulted by Islam and kept against her will in the closed up house for four weeks.
The owner of the Blacktown house, Joe Chen, said Islam told him the 15-year-old girl was his girlfriend.
The 15-year-old girl was reported missing by the foster home facility where she lived immediately after she went missing in October.
She reportedly met Islam in a chance encounter after leaving the group foster home in Sydney's west last month.
The Saturday Telegraph reported Islam arrived illegally by boat on March 24, 2013.
He landed in waters off Christmas Island and was held in a Phosphate Hill detention centre for two months.
He was then flown to Australia on May 15, 2013 where he was granted a bridging visa under the Rudd government.
Islam, 29, has been charged with aggravated sexual assault and common assault and has been refused bail.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3905626/Rashadul-Islam-29-held-girl-15-hostage-month-Sydney-...
Hmmm. having trouble meeting girls? Simply do as they do back home. Keep 'em captive in the home and train em' to obey!
Poor old Rashadul would have been missing his Mum to keep an eye on her!
on 02-12-2016 07:25 PM
@davidc4430 wrote:
@icyfroth wrote:
@springyzone wrote:It's true, there are seriously bad people in every country, every nationality.
We need to judge each criminal case on its merits.
In this case though, it seems pretty clear to me. If the facts are as presented, if he was keeping a 15 year old girl against her will, if he sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl, then this is one asylum seeker we can well do without.
Deport the man & never allow back in again.
We've got enough criminals of our own without importing extras.
Specially we don't need to import more criminals and keep them in welfare payments, rent assistance and whatever other benefits they can get out of the aussie taxpayer.
thats exactly what the aboriginals said when the first load of rich european boatpackers turned up, just before said boatpackers started shooting.
Hmmm...I don't think it went down quite like that, Dave. lol
As far as I know, no natives were shot at on first contact with the new arrivals.
The aborigines had no idea what was in store for them when the first boatloads came. Little did they know they'd eventually be driven off their lands, huddled into reservations and hounded to death in some instances.
on 02-12-2016 09:17 PM
@lionrose.7 wrote:Australia was built with Criminal Labor and immigrants
Bet the native Australians did not want then there either
on 02-12-2016 09:36 PM
thats exactly what the aboriginals said when the first load of rich european boatpackers turned up, just before said boatpackers started shooting.
That's true.
It just goes to show what can happen to a place if too many people of a vastly different culture move in. There is likely to be violence and clashes if you aren't careful.
To me though this case is not about asylum seekers at all. It is about a criminal case by someone who isn't a citizen here.
Whether a non citizen is a migrant, a refugee, a tourist, if they commit serious, violent crime then they deserve the full force of the law & that ultimately should mean deportation.
Then let the rest of us here-native born, migrant and asylum seekers-get on with things in peace. I very much doubt that most asylum seekers are keen on having violent people in the community either.