on 20-11-2018 02:02 PM
BBC's Dynasties film crew rescues penguins, David Attenborough says he would do the same
as a kid i would love watching the disneyland wildlife docos on sunday night (not as much as watching donald duck ect)
but the modern nature docos where one minute your seeing a beautiful animal and next your seeing that animal being devoured by another animal, i cant watch.
yes i know how nature works, but if i see a long legged beetle upside down when i'm out walking i stop and turn him right side up!
on 20-11-2018 04:18 PM
This was absolutely the right decision. They didn't handle the animals, it was much more hands off.
The BBC crew could clear a path but it was still up to the penguins to figure it out and get to safety.
Good decision, good result.
on 20-11-2018 05:09 PM
Penguins are nice people!