BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Seems to be a lack of threads for blokes.
On other threads,some ladies have mentioned, their OHs
would post, but had no interest in most of the threads on offer.
I can bump this thead twice a day,so its easy to find.
Give it a go---Richo.
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Stawka-the car humps forward in drive waiting for the lights to change.

Not quite used to it--geez this motoring is expensive .having your own car.

Both vehicles are driveable-my car is looking a bit ordinary at the front.

JV-you get Sunday as a day of rest from the building next door.

How did you go at the fete-pick up any goodies?

Whip turned up at the accident site---promised not to ring anyone .lol.

Arvo plans are a roast-nap and prepare for fishing in the morning........Richo////.

Message 17821 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Arvo Sandy--you still have a few things on the go.

The bladder clock still works -daylight saving start and finish

messes with the timing for a few days.

Good call re the young bloke--wonder if he knows about panel beating .lol..

Keep packing Tezza-dont forget JVs tips re power adapters---dont forget the camera.

Linda---taking it easy and getting pampered by the family.

PH--are you back from the hospital yet..............................................................Richo////.

Message 17822 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Just home after being at the Angliss for 3hours, have my foot in plaster from ankle to knee, had a CT scan, the orthopedic surgeon will study the CT scan results next week and decide whether to operate.

I came home with a walking frame and a frame that goes over the toilet.

It is possible that I will be in plaster for 3 monthsSmiley Sad


Greg has been on his soap box telling me what I can and cant do..........he is driving me nuts.

Will be spening alot of time at home least I have scrapbooking to keep me occupied.


Will read back later, the morphine is making me tired.


Hope everyone is enjoying their day/////



Message 17823 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

PH-geez plaster cast for maybe 3 months,

Wait and see what the surgeon says--you are a trouble magnet-everything goes wrong.

My first couple of pension payments will go on the excess insurance cover.

Dont think i needed to be a motorist-but beats walking...................Richo////.

Message 17824 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Afternoon all and no luck at the white elephant thingie lots and lots of stuff but nothing of interest think a fair bit would have been raised for the church:)


Richo geez that was stinken bad luck geez hope the insurance covers it all for you not good mate:(


Sandy you would be busy busy with doing the decorating etc


Linda hows it going for you?


Purps you are a dammed accident magnet girl you guys so need a break away from everything:)


Waves to everyone else, Tezza not long girl for the big trip:)

Message 17825 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Afternoon all.


Some have had accidents here. Hope you are ok ph and it will be sooner than three months.


Richo that stinks. OH did something similar a year or so ago. Went to cross at give way sign and some idiot flew around the other corner at speed. OH had to brake, and a BMW ran into the back of him. Why is it always expensive vehicles involved? ๐Ÿ˜ž OH was in his bulletproof work ute. lol. No damage, but cost us $500 excess.


Cloudy, but rather warm day here, feels like something could happen. Rain I hope.

Message 17826 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hi Katy-was all my own fault-excess $650.00-cop it sweet.

My car will need the young bloke to check out -is driveable.-looks

All focus on fishing tomorrow-------will take a hat.

Not much wind and sunny here........................................Richo////.


Message 17827 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Not applicable

That is bad luck Richo, new car takes time to get used to, but the rule seems to be the other car is expensive.  My niece and her fiancee were in a hire car in Brisbane today, with big sister and BIL in back, they were rear ended, sister has sore neck, the end result several hours later is a $2600 charge placed on James' Credit Card, it will, apparently be returned at a later date.  They usually take out the extra insurance, except for today, that's liffe eh?


Purple long day for you, chill out for a day or so.


Waves to everyone, especially Sandy who got the icing right, hehe

Message 17828 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Well Linda - on the nebuliser at the moment.  Not much air around.  Will see how it works before I get dressed for this bbq.  Might have to sit home and eat my trifle Smiley Very Happy.


I am pleased with what I have achieved today - tomorrow I will finish off these two tiers and only have the mudcake at the end of the week.


When I have had a couple of scrapes, Frank always says that a car is a car - as long as no-one was hurt.  You can fix a car richo.


Nebuliser has just finished so will go and put the raspberries on top of the trifle and get dressed.  I have had my shower and hair is dry.


Catch ya's later ...

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Message 17829 of 98,295
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BLOKES THREAD-aimed at blokes-shielas welcome.

Hi Linda--warm here and the wind has settled down.

Hope you are recovering more and more each day.

When everything settles down-will you get the other hip done as well---just asking.

Looks ok for another fishing adventure tomorrow.

Got the GPS details for a good spot from someone that catches

a lot of fish in Port Albert-will show Webby in the morning............................Richo////.

Message 17830 of 98,295
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