on 26-11-2014 08:43 AM
She was mocked for a wearing a bikini by some youngsters. So she posted a shot of her 46 year old body in response.
Good on her. Wish more people accepted their bodies as they are.
on 26-11-2014 06:19 PM
Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
on 26-11-2014 06:23 PM
Same reason I flaunt my 48 year old body in a bikini bob - it's what I look like and my kids and anyone else who thinks Elle MacPherson is what a normal 48 year old body should see that the world is made up of all types and shapes.
on 26-11-2014 07:06 PM
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Can you think of a reason why she shouldn't?
on 26-11-2014 07:58 PM
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Can you think of a reason why she shouldn't?
Should she subject others to look at her older flabby bits in public? BTW, think about your answer.
Ask yourself if you would want to see your granny in Gs?
on 26-11-2014 08:11 PM
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Kim Kardashian was flaunting 'it' this ladies photo is a response to comment when walking on the beach in what is beachwear. She looks fine and rocks that bikini and I doubt had any idea that it would go viral. I'm pretty sure it wasn't posted for your benefit Bob, the Kardashian pic probably was though 😄
on 26-11-2014 08:15 PM
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Can you think of a reason why she shouldn't?
Should she subject others to look at her older flabby bits in public? BTW, think about your answer.
Ask yourself if you would want to see your granny in Gs?
it is possible to be a granny at around 20
on 26-11-2014 08:17 PM
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Can you think of a reason why she shouldn't?
Should she subject others to look at her older flabby bits in public? BTW, think about your answer.
Ask yourself if you would want to see your granny in Gs?
Who cares.
When I was at the beach Sunday, my daughter and I were marvelling at the oldies (and I mean REALLY old) sitting around in their bikinis and speedoes.
Nothing looks worse than someone making attempts to cover up at the beach with swimsuits with skirts, pleats, boylegs etc.
on 27-11-2014 07:06 AM
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:
@siggie-reported-by-alarmists wrote:
@**bob_on_the_go** wrote:Accept yourself fine, Why does she think she need to flaunt it?
Can you think of a reason why she shouldn't?
Should she subject others to look at her older flabby bits in public? BTW, think about your answer.
Ask yourself if you would want to see your granny in Gs?
She isn't subjecting anyone to anything...... the beaches are for everyone to enjoy. Flabby or not.
As she said, if you don't like what you see..... look away...... didn't you read the link?
on 27-11-2014 07:27 AM
No one is forcing them to look Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, those who limit themselves to their perception of what beauty is are only cheating themselves of all the real beauty they are missing in the world. Those who are very limited in their perception, are living in a fictional fantacy world because that kind of beauty don't exist in real life, it's an illusion existing only in your dreams of some supermodel's picture coming off the page and to life just for you.
on 27-11-2014 07:33 AM
I don't care what anyone says....she looks great for 46 years old. I wouldn't have dreamed of wearing a bikini at 46, but if I looked like her I would have.