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Bold and the Beautiful

now Brooke is cavorting with Ridge's son. And there is a new and more handsome Thomas.

So she had been with Ridge / Ridge's father (and father of her older children) and now has the hots for Ridge's son

this is getting more and more sick

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Bold and the Beautiful

Now THAT is testing my memory! patchoo

I'm going to check a Coles near me tomorrow, just for you, I'll see if there's any mugs left. How ever many I may get (hope there are some) I will give them away to posters here. Golly I hope I find some...
Message 211 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

well, depending on your workplace, you could call it Professional Development, or tracking of SoapOpera trends...

or just wasting time if there are no clients:^O

Well of course a new client strolled in at 4:20pm!!!! Typical! LoL
My sis & I were very proffessional and efficient and they were gone by the first ad break so I could crank up the volume and watch the rest!

LOVED the way Steph says... "Ok, just wanted to clear the air so you could start out the marriage knowing all the facts.... shall we go back in and continue" :^O bahahahaha Classic!!!!!!!
Message 212 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

kylie - the kids are watching Geek atm, so I'm going to watch the recorded ep from today when Geek is finished...
Can't wait...:-)

Now I'm being sucked into the vortex that is the Y&R thread... oh no!!

B&B is still the best soapie ever...

remember this??^^^

good nightโ™ฅ
Message 213 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

kylie - the kids are watching Geek atm, so I'm going to watch the recorded ep from today when Geek is finished...
Can't wait...:-)

Oh dammit, sorry if I spoiled it hunni!
I have Geek taped cos I was out tonight,, but Im glad I got to see Bold today, and as the Boss is faaaar away, I will get to watch it again tomorrow!!!! hehehehe
Message 214 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Community Member
Another entertaining read - thanks everyone!!

Those coffee mugs sound awesome - I especially love the sound of the "I love you Logan" one. The Taylor/Ridge one should have said "I love you Doc, but not as much as I love Logan"

Stefi's hair is horrible... it looks greasy and it's two-toned.. what's with that? She is very tiny.

It's funny remembering the old story lines - I do remember Antonio Sabato Jnr HELLO!! He was an underwear model, I was so happy when he joined the show. Owen is a bit of a clone of his I reckon.

Does anyone know where Bridget is meant to be? I missed a number of episodes when she and Owen got together.

I too long for Thorne to have more airtime. I'd like to see him with a new love interest. Maybe Katie?? hehe I wouldn't mind if Rick came back either, he has a really nice bod. Maybe he could hook up with Taylor again.

Taylor looked awful in that suit, her hair wasn't nice either. It's funny, all the work she has had done on her face and body and Brooke is still much more attractive in the face and has a much nicer figure.

And how could I forget Sally Spectra! I was so sad when she died. I have no idea what happened to Clarke.

If I was on the show, there's one thing I'd say to Stephanie. And that is if she kept out of Ridge and Brooke's relationship from the beginning and didn't cause trouble then they would have stayed together and Brooke would never have been in a position to marry Eric or Thorne. Of course if Stephanie breaks up their relationship Brooke is going to move on with someone else.... it makes sense that it would be another Forrester man seeing she wa so obsessed with Ridge. So really Stephanie has brought it all on herself for being such a manipulator.

I think I've covered everything now ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 215 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

g_i - I think Broooke has run out of Forrester men, unless she wants to recycle someone... ha ha. Next she will be on with Marcus! Oh wait, Oliver is single atm, isn't he:-p?!?!

kylie - don't worry about 'spoiling', really!. If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't come here. Is the Boss your OH? If so, that's makes two of us... mrSew is working in Jamaica atm, gawd I find myself watching the most stoopid stuff late at night...

Well todays ep was so frustrating - they should have just left out all the piffle between Brooke & her Dad, & given us more of Stephanie trying to justify herself & Ridge shouting. For once he's showing some backbone about something, mostly he saunters around & never shows much emotion.

Brooke's father is a whining pest - thank goodness we don't see him much. I wonder what will happen with the storyline of him marrying Pam.

I feel better now, don't you? go Stephanie!!

So now this shows that Ridge doesn't love Taylor at all, he was only going to marry her because he thought B & T had done the Wild Thing, & Stephanie was encouraging it, & he just goes with whoever makes the strongest pitch for him...

Taylor, girly, STOP THE RIDGE OBSESSION YOU HAVE. Go find a man who will love you & stop with hoping that Ridge will stay with you. He only goes to you when things go bung with Brooke. Taylor is a psychiatrist for heavens sake, clearly she doesn't think she needs to move on.

Felicia looks like a Tim Burton puppet.

Some more reminiscing - who remembers Sheila?? Now she was the ultimate nutter.
Message 216 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

More exciting watching Julia "big beak" in action in Parliament,or perhaps Brownie wanting more dams,or Garret miming his own songs which go against him now LMAO....................Goodnight everyone,stay safe ok;-)
Message 217 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Some more reminiscing - who remembers Sheila?? Now she was the ultimate nutter.

I remember Sheila! She was awesome! Every show needs a nutter and she was a great one!

OMG!! Guess what I just read? Don Diamont (Bill Spencer) was in the show years ago as Brad Carlton who was his character on The Young and the Restless!!!!

You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 218 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

LTS.. I love your avi... might have to go and find a new one for me...

Plz let me know if you find any cups.. i will pay you for one...

I hope that Brooke decides that she is sick of Ridge and his interfering family and runs to Nick... I think they make a much better pair.
Message 219 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Bold and Restless are sister shows if you know what I mean.
Message 220 of 1,531
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