Bold and the Beautiful

now Brooke is cavorting with Ridge's son. And there is a new and more handsome Thomas.

So she had been with Ridge / Ridge's father (and father of her older children) and now has the hots for Ridge's son

this is getting more and more sick

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Bold and the Beautiful

So now we finally get to see RJ.... wonder how long before he pops into a teenager.

I am finding it annoying that Hope is clearly an adult for a while now and involved in many story lines, but not so long ago the storylines had 2 young children together all the time being Hope & RJ and he was only a bit younger than her - maybe 2 or 3 years!

So, how is RJ still sooo young???????

Ooopsss, sorry us viewers are spose to 'overlook' these things I guess!?!?!
Message 161 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

:^O I'm tempted to look too, but I won't :-x

I agree with LTS Felicia looks terrible ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

as does Taylor for her wedding, I hate her outfit, surely they could've done better with that, being a major fashion house & all that.

I'd forgotten that Nic had a son Amber, where is Jack & who looks after him?

Give RJ a few more weeks to turn into a teen :^O

wonders if this is going to be a long wedding that doesn't finish until Friday :^O
Message 162 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Community Member
Morning Deb ๐Ÿ™‚
Totally agree with you re: the outfit. So harsh for a wedding. something creamy soft & lacy but simple would have been nice... and a DRESS fgo... it's a wedding!

Kylie, you are so right.. Hope & rj were little kids together..WT ! .... sorry shouldn't be surprised should I.

LTS - love your new avi... I have decided to join you., needed a change ๐Ÿ˜›
Message 163 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful


Amber you look so much like Dazee this morning :^O
Message 164 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

as does Taylor for her wedding, I hate her outfit, surely they could've done better with that, being a major fashion house & all that.

Well it's an improvement on her last Wedding dress to Ridge (that Brooke rode in on horseback and busted up!) It was a floral tafeta number- eeeek!!!

I think at least she's not trying to be too young in some teeny tight strapless gown!

Maybe she is worried it will be another fizzer and a waste of getting yet another Wedding gown! LoL
Message 165 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

I'd forgotten that Nic had a son Amber, where is Jack & who looks after him?

Ok, there a few babies floating around the place (next generations Im sure!)

Wasnt Felicias baby also Nicks?? Wasnt it called Dominic??

Bridget & Owen's baby? (Geez, he's not at all involved as he'd promised?!?!)
Message 166 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Kylie, I was also wondering why they've made Brooke look all dowdy atm, no make up & jeans all the time , instead of the usual glam

anyway maybe today's the day, but i expect it will be tomorrow, leaving us with those long lingering looks that my OH loves :^O
Message 167 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Kylie Felicia's baby was to someone else, maybe the father's name was Dominic too. Haven't seen that baby for years ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

haven't seen Bridget for ages either, where is she when her mother needs her the most? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Message 168 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

Community Member
True kylie, but I've seen her wear softer prettier things at home just sipping coffee/waterB-)
I wonder if this will send her over the edge again.

I actually felt she looked like a 'Stephanie clone' in the pantsuit. She could have worn the suit but with a skirt maybe.
Sorry, just not into pants for brides ๐Ÿ™‚

Deb I do look a little like Dazee this morning don't I - must be my new shampoo :^O:^O

Message 169 of 1,531
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Bold and the Beautiful

:^O@ the shampoo. Maybe I should try some of that :^O
Message 170 of 1,531
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