Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

you were there?


Buzz - I know Im leaving him, but it's hard when he cuts me off with "I want to work it out. I love you." FULL STOP, no further talk, no discussion about what I want or need!

It's my house that he walked into with just the clothes on his back but leaves with A LOT more (not just financial/material), he will not go, he knows he has nothing and life will be 'hard' for him without me & my world (it's like he's a teenager).


Ive asked him to have a think about the fairest way to split things and to remain on good terms to be able to raise our child together, but in return I get emails/ texts explaining what he does at work all day that makes him SOOO tired and that he will "try".... Ive heard this story a dozen times!!!


Honestly we have been on & off for 7 years, he's moved out 3 times before, life is harder when he doesnt have the comforts I provide. I have been stupid to keep taking him back, but the last time we had marriage counselling and I really thought this would be the start of a good marriage/life together.


I wish Id kept a "divorce diary" over the past year/s, especially since the baby arrived, his behviour & attitude have been terrible, he does not treat me well. Turning 40 a few weeks ago was like someone took off my blinders and I realised that 40 wasnt that old and I had a lot of life to live and this was NOT an acceptable life, I know Ive let him treat me this way and prepared to take responsibility, but I also know that he is full of promises and knows how to "talk" his way in/out of things!!


Mr Grizz: Prob reads like "man bashing" to you??

EVERY every thing he stuffs.... breaks, forgets, damages, treats me & kids.... EVERY time I pull up his actions/behaviour, ALWAYS the same answer/ excuse "Im tired". His regular lines also include "It was an accident" and "I didnt mean it" ...... I feel like Im raising a child, a special needs child... (please NO offense intended, just want to get the point across how hard work he is) My other kids 13 & 15 are SOOOOO much better in life than him, he is useless!


I cant tell how much he has wreaked/broken around my house. Left my kids stranded at school, damaged my new car, nearly burnt my kitchen out, the list is VERY long over the years and I just cant take it, with a baby to raise my life is a lot harder and I am tired too, but he never feels I should comment about being tired, puts down what I do daily (ie work, run a house, raise 2 busy teens & 8 month old baby), saying I cant be nearly as tired as him. He's 9 years younger than me!!!!!! Ive even  asked him to see a Dr for a check up, because maybe he is not well (such extreme tiredness/ no motivation for life/ memory loss?? etc), but we both know he is just lazy, he's doesnt want to let go of this "good life" and will not work together as a couple!


He has been sleeping on the lounge now for nearly 4 weeks and he's not happy but trying to supress his nasty side that I have to constatantly shield the kids from. I have offerred to put the cot into my bedroom and he can sleep on the sofa bed till other arrangements made, I was even prepared to try living like this as 'friends' raising a baby together to see Samantha through her 1st Christmas & bday, but he thinks anyday now he will be back in the bedroom with me!

Message 8461 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

WOW! huge scroller!!

Sorry to unload like that!!!!!


(((((hugs)))))) Jacks what a terrible situation to be in ๐Ÿ˜ž XXX

Message 8462 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Oh.... and to answer another Q. YES alcohol is a problem. ๐Ÿ˜

Message 8463 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Jacks I'm sorry Mr B is being a B. How sad he can't let go of his attitude of "making you and your brother pay". ๐Ÿ˜ž   It's an all too common story that brings out the worst in some people.

I have 3 sisters - 3 of us get along really well and have been through the deaths of both mum and dad and sorting out the estate with our mum. Our other sister caused so much grief and stress over petty things it was a nightmare. Myself and her were joint executrix's. I rang Legal Aid to try to get her off the role but was told we'd have to go to court and it would cost thousands. Thank God my uncle was the executor of our dad's estate, and there were no assets to have to divide but yet again my sister went crazy over photo's and serving trays!  I can honestly say the only trauma experienced during the loss of my parents was due to the antics of my sister ๐Ÿ˜ž

Hang in there Jacks :-x

Kylie darling you don't owe your husband any emotional support nor are you responsible for him. He is a grown man and is capable of looking after himself. Don't ever let guilt or pity influence your decisions. You and your children are your only priority. :-x

Lots of hugs to those that need them.

Message 8464 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi everyone. YCDI I've voted for your beautiful artwork.

Jacks, so sorry Mr B is still being such a B and your brother is not more supportive. At least it would appear there is now a light at the end of the tunnel, and in the end, letting go of that bit of money - while piainful as a matter of principle - will at least give you closure and and end to an unpleasant relationship with Mr B.:-x


Kylie, I can't offer any useful advice - others have all said it already better than I ever could. Just know I' am thinking of you.:-x


Hugs for all who need them (((โ™ฅ)))


Message 8465 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

afternoon all you wise travellers:-)

Kylie:-x Im so sorry that mr is behaving like this-he doesnt have a clue what he has with you and your family..very sad, but it will be too late when he realises.Please dont have any concerns about venting here-its a really good place,with supportive people who want to help.

And thank you for voting for me and my work-amongst all the stress,you found time to do that-I really appreciate it.

cj:-x-your strength is so impressive-please hang in there,that b is,well,clearly terrified,but hes not your concern.Im more concerned about your bro and how he is reacting with you.Somehow, he needs to know that you are both in this together and that you must support one another as best you can.Im not sure how you can get him to understand this-maybe in a letter?

ms Cat:-xThank you for voting for me and my work as well-I really do appreciate it,your support is always felt,please remember that.

how are those ducks going? I wish I had ducks.:| Can you post a photo?

higs and hugs to all who visit and lurk-and if you are facebookers, I would appreciate your votes as well:-D

Message 8466 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

youcan..thank you for your kind words. He is not terrified...he wants everything. We aren't wanting anything from him. In fact, we leftt him a lot of things he requested because we were trying to be kind. Now he is going for much more and his list keeps going.


I'll be getting on to voting for your work. Well done on such a great piece :-x

Message 8467 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

youcan, can you please post a link to the voting, I don't FB so can I still vote?

I have a group of friends who I will ask to vote as well ๐Ÿ˜„

(((kylie & Jacks)))

My darling baby brother's 1yr anniversary today, my goodness hasn't that 12 months gone fast. Some special ebay friends bought me a potted red rose in memory of Paul, it currently has the biggest bud just about ready to open, I was hoping it would open for today, so I could take it to my Mother, i'm thinking by tomorrow it will be open and smiling. I shall take a picture when it opens fully and post it.


Message 8468 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Please do Freddie..I'd love to see it. One year already Freddie :|:-x

Message 8469 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home


Buzz - I know Im leaving him, but it's hard when he cuts me off with "I want to work it out. I love you." FULL STOP, no further talk, no discussion about what I want or need!

It's my house that he walked into with just the clothes on his back but leaves with A LOT more (not just financial/material), he will not go, he knows he has nothing and life will be 'hard' for him without me & my world (it's like he's a teenager).


Ive asked him to have a think about the fairest way to split things and to remain on good terms to be able to raise our child together, but in return I get emails/ texts explaining what he does at work all day that makes him SOOO tired and that he will "try".... Ive heard this story a dozen times!!!


Honestly we have been on & off for 7 years, he's moved out 3 times before, life is harder when he doesnt have the comforts I provide. I have been stupid to keep taking him back, but the last time we had marriage counselling and I really thought this would be the start of a good marriage/life together.


I wish Id kept a "divorce diary" over the past year/s, especially since the baby arrived, his behviour & attitude have been terrible, he does not treat me well. Turning 40 a few weeks ago was like someone took off my blinders and I realised that 40 wasnt that old and I had a lot of life to live and this was NOT an acceptable life, I know Ive let him treat me this way and prepared to take responsibility, but I also know that he is full of promises and knows how to "talk" his way in/out of things!!


Mr Grizz: Prob reads like "man bashing" to you??

EVERY every thing he stuffs.... breaks, forgets, damages, treats me & kids.... EVERY time I pull up his actions/behaviour, ALWAYS the same answer/ excuse "Im tired". His regular lines also include "It was an accident" and "I didnt mean it" ...... I feel like Im raising a child, a special needs child... (please NO offense intended, just want to get the point across how hard work he is) My other kids 13 & 15 are SOOOOO much better in life than him, he is useless!


I cant tell how much he has wreaked/broken around my house. Left my kids stranded at school, damaged my new car, nearly burnt my kitchen out, the list is VERY long over the years and I just cant take it, with a baby to raise my life is a lot harder and I am tired too, but he never feels I should comment about being tired, puts down what I do daily (ie work, run a house, raise 2 busy teens & 8 month old baby), saying I cant be nearly as tired as him. He's 9 years younger than me!!!!!! Ive even  asked him to see a Dr for a check up, because maybe he is not well (such extreme tiredness/ no motivation for life/ memory loss?? etc), but we both know he is just lazy, he's doesnt want to let go of this "good life" and will not work together as a couple!


He has been sleeping on the lounge now for nearly 4 weeks and he's not happy but trying to supress his nasty side that I have to constatantly shield the kids from. I have offerred to put the cot into my bedroom and he can sleep on the sofa bed till other arrangements made, I was even prepared to try living like this as 'friends' raising a baby together to see Samantha through her 1st Christmas & bday, but he thinks anyday now he will be back in the bedroom with me!


no no it's ok

just that someone is suggesting that he is trying to burn the house down

Message 8470 of 10,121
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