Cat_mioux's new home

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Cat_mioux's new home

The elephant is finished, will send it on to Jill on Monday to send it on to you........Hope it brings you much luck, peace and happiness cat_mioux....

You made me an elephant bizzy? :-x :-x :-x

I'm a very blessed woman! Thank you :-x

Hugs and higs to everyone. :-x

Message 7571 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

hi Okers.


I just arrived home and caught up with the egotistic behaviour of your ex Cat. Keep doing what your doing. Your daughter sent the perfect message back.


It sounds like a lovely gift is coming your way cat.


This is me on my holiday; pics often show more than words;


Message 7572 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Ms Jacks!

You look relaxed and happy and what is that you're drinking? Love the colour!

PS Nice rack ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 7573 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Thanks Cat :^O


I'm drinking a fruit tingle. It had a couple of things of colour (red and blue liquors) that I had not heard of before and Vodka (I think). It was yumy. James thought it tasted like cough medicine B-)


James actually had his first legit drink on the holiday. Somehow he managed to inhale two cans of bourbon in half an hour and got drunk. He hated the feeling of being drunk so I'm very pleased.


I have put some more photos on the 'Whats fun at the Gold Coast' thread but only a couple without clear faces of the kids.


I'm starting to save for our next holiday

Message 7574 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hi everyone :-x

Jacks love the pics! All that crazy work over Xmas paid off! Where are you going for your next holiday? PS Didn't we mention Italy? ๐Ÿ˜„

6 working days till hols for me.

PS Mr Ex replied back to my daughters "no thanks" reply. He said he'd hold on to the photo's just in case. ๐Ÿ˜

My friends mum said "if he wanted you to have the photo's he would have just put them in an envelope and posted them".

And his sister hasn't replied to my nice but brief email back to her. pftttttttt

Hugs and higs to all, especially Ms Alicia and Cuddlykitty :-x

Message 7575 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Are you going anywhere for your holiday Cat? Going to get your hair done? The trouble with holidays is that they go way too fast.


Your ex is really holding onto his goolies with this. Your friends mum makes a lot of sense. He does know where you live afterall. *doh*


It probably wont be Italy next Cat. That will be a couple of years away. Next holiday is either a cruise or ? I don't really know. My eldest daughter MUST come with me next time though. She missed out this time.


How is Alicia doing Braff?

Message 7576 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

A cruise sounds perfect Jacks.

I'm not going anywhere on my hols. I just want to chill out, get the house and garden in shape and catch up with friends. And maybe spend a day or two beached on the sofa watching DVD's. And do lots of chanting. Bliss!

Goolies? What goolies? :^O

Off to work ...

have a good day :-x

Message 7577 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Hello lovelies...โ™ฅ


Ohhh a cruise! I was spose to be going on a cruise this year to celebrate my 40th bday, but now with bubba Im not really up for it!

Im going against a party too- rather use the money for a very exy sparkly piece of jewellery to mark the occassion! :8}


Jacks looks like a good time! Beautiful poolside spot relaxing with a cocktail! wooohooo!


Battling a headcold right now and annoyingly I planned to start my weight loss journey today! ๐Ÿ˜ž

Food is all good, but I only got 15 min power walk on treadie before I couldnt go on! (Will try for another session later tonight) Something is better than nothing! And this is IT, the official day 1 no matter what happens!


Had gorgeous pics of kids on weekend, wish I coud share here but the teens wouldnt like it. Bubba was a cranky pants (was woken from a too short sleep in car) but still looked cute in the pics!!


Hugs all round! โ™ฅ  โ™ฅ  โ™ฅ

Message 7578 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home



Hi everyone. Feeling a wee bit washed out this morning. Number 4 DS was in Collie (about 50 k from us) for a race meeting at the weekend - he is into formula Vee. Saturday was practice day so while Mr Elephant went up there to help out (stand around in the pits offering unsolicited advice) DIL and the GF of the guy who pit crew for him drove down to Bunbury an picked me up for a day of reatail therapy, which was exhausting but lots of fun. They took me back to Collie with them and. Mr Elephant and I had dinner with them at their motel before driving back to Bunbury - almost hit a kangaroo on the way down the hill. Went to bed and crashed out.


Sunday was race day. I'd hoped for a leisurely start as the first formula vee race wasn't supposed to start till 12.30 but DS phoned at about 10.00 to say it had been put forward to 11.00 We leaped in the car and drove up there like mad things, only to discover it had been changed back to 12.30. It was stinking hot and not a breath of wind and the canvas gazebo thingy I brought up was too flimsy to help much against the heat. (the things we endure for the sake of our kids - even if said kid is 41 years old)


There were supposed to be 3 formula vee races on the programme. Race 1 eventually started half an hour behind schedule at 1.00.  Race 2 was supposed to be at 2,30 but didn't start till almost 3,30. There was a prang on the first lap and one car spewed oil all along the track so when everyone came round for the second lap they started spinning out all over the place. After three laps behind the safety car the marshalls called off the race and frace 3 never happened because  the rest of the programme eventually had to be abandoned  as it was going to take too long to make the track safe.


We were NOT HAPPY JAN (all except for DS who was running second when the second race was stopped and therefore collected a trophy and some championship points.)


Today I am feeling like a wrung out dishcloth and my get up and go has got up and gone so far and so fast I'm not sure it will ever come back again.

Message 7579 of 10,121
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Cat_mioux's new home

Oh no She Ele, what a shame.  I sympathise with you on feeling washed out and your get up and go getting up and literally walking out the door.  I hate it when that hapens.

My sister was at the F1 for the weekend.  She loved it, but I don't think she will ring me again when the F18's are flying overhead.

She doesn't come back to Sydney until tomorrow.

Jack, it seems like you had a wonderful holiday.  You will enjoy your cruise when you go on it.

I bet the photos were lovely Kylie.  Something to treasure.

Good luck with your get fit program.

MsCat, not long until your holidays.

dtrh I hope you are enjoying yours.  I think you are on hollies now.

Hello to everyone else who comes into the thread.

Hiya MIA  *waves*

Oops!  Higs and hugs to you all.  :-x

An update on Alicia.......

She was to be transferred from Nambour to Buderim for rehab but waiting for a bed was taking too long and Nambour didn't have the facilities to treat her properly especially with rehab.

waiting, waiting, waiting.  Nothing was coming up at Budrim so she has been transferred to a rehabilitation hospital at Cooroy.

I sent her a text message today and this is the reply:

I am doing a lot better thanks.  I don't need oxygen anymore and I'm walking good distances with a walker.  I'm at the rehab hospital and I am comfortable.

So good things are happening.  Too soon for release though.

Happy Braff, Happy Braff
Message 7580 of 10,121
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