Chemtrails are real


Weather Engineering's's happening..........just look out your your eyes and look up.



Seriously, if you notice unusual 'cloud formations' or unexplained/unusual skies.............'chemtrail activity' in your area then this thread is here to report what you see, describe what unusual weather patterns you are experiencing...

Debate and discuss.


Message 1 of 323
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322 REPLIES 322

Chemtrails are real

There is no "normal". We have been on the planet for such a tiny inconsequential amount of time, how can we possibly know what is normal.

I bet if we looked at the skies when the dinosaurs were stomping about or during the ice ages it would not display the same cloud formations or weather phenomena we see now. The planet is constantly changing. Just because we haven't seen it before doesn't mean it is unnatural or wrong.

Message 301 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

@paintsew007 wrote: just don't 'get it' do you?

i think you get to much

Message 302 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

@the*scarlet*pimpernel wrote:

There is no "normal". We have been on the planet for such a tiny inconsequential amount of time, how can we possibly know what is normal.

I bet if we looked at the skies when the dinosaurs were stomping about or during the ice ages it would not display the same cloud formations or weather phenomena we see now. The planet is constantly changing. Just because we haven't seen it before doesn't mean it is unnatural or wrong.


Message 303 of 323
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Chemtrails are real


Message 304 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

My daughter took this pic  from a 737 recently







Message 305 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

replying to scarlet pimpy who said:

There is no "normal". We have been on the planet for such a tiny inconsequential amount of time, how can we possibly know what is normal.

I bet if we looked at the skies when the dinosaurs were stomping about or during the ice ages it would not display the same cloud formations or weather phenomena we see now. The planet is constantly changing. Just because we haven't seen it before doesn't mean it is unnatural or wrong.


Real reason for chemtrails? Planet is dying. UV rays will fry us. If we do chemtrails, 2 billion will die or get sick. If we don't do them, then in 20 years, most everything will be gone. Even doing the chemtrails, human life and all life is close to being gone. - See more at:

Message 306 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

replying to dangerwillrobinson

Indoor clouds by Berndnaut Smilde

Message 307 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

 NASA Scientist Admits Chemtrails!

"It's been done in the 1970s, it's been done recently in the 1990s and 2000s." And continues: "the lithium release in the daytime ... hasn't been done since the 1970s."

OK, so lithium was only dispersed during the nighttime? Interesting...

And after learning what lithium carbonate (not the same lithium used in chemtrails, or so they claim) can be used for, I have an impulse to send him an email myself. "The lithium ion seems to alleviate mood disorders by affecting the way that brain cells respond to neurotransmitters." 

Also, very interesting to notice is the fact that Dr. Rowland calls them "chemtrails" himself, which is regarded by the main stream as a term for conspiracy theorists, and also acknowledges that chemtrails are of "different kinds".

Recently, the UN tried to promote chemtrails as our only fighting chance against the global warming [2], so it's clear that there will be no denying from now on.

The Chemtrail Madness: UN Says "The World Won’t Cool Without Chemtrails"! - See more at:

According to the upcoming United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate assessment, “Global warming is irreversible without massive geoengineering of the atmosphere’s chemistry.”
So all this time we have been told we have to change human behavior to fix climate change, but now we are being told they have to geoengineer the planet no matter what.

The number one geoengineering answer appears to come in the form of ‘chemtrails,’ a phenomenon of spraying heavy metals like aluminum into the atmosphere to block out the sun. Although governments still refuse to officially admit chemtrailing even exists, articles such as, “Geoengineering Could Turn Skies White” [4] published last summer blatantly discuss a Carnegie Institute study on geoengineering via chemtrails as if it is already occurring as we speak: "The white haze that hangs over many major cities could become a familiar sight everywhere if the world decides to try geoengineering to create a cooler planet. [emphasis added]"

How the United Nations or anyone can say the average human being is harming the environment with a straight face while the government is already engaged in wide scale geoengineering projects based on bunk data that have untold detrimental short- and long-term impact around the entire globe on the environment and its flora and fauna — carrying out projects that have never been approved through any democratic process whatsoever and which we are still not officially being told is happening even as it goes on over our heads — is despicable . Excepts from article by M. Melton The Daily Sheeple

Message 308 of 323
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Chemtrails are real


atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 309 of 323
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Chemtrails are real

yes colic. Good to see that your conscience is being pricked, if nothing else!





....BTW, chemtrails are indeed real-no cover up here.

Message 310 of 323
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