Chin Wag Survey: How much did you Spend on your engagement ring?

Or if you didn't buy it. Did you find out how much he spent? If so, do you feel he spent too much.. too little. 



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Chin Wag Survey: How much did you Spend on your engagement ring?

My current ring is almost 1.5 carats, in a halo setting. It was a pretty good price for the size, clarity and setting.

I got a big ring because I don’t want a big wedding.

I’ve been engaged previously so have had other rings. This is my favourite so far. Also the largest.

I won’t be wearing a wedding band, just the one ring which will do for both. It’s not a setting that works well with additional rings on the same finger.
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Chin Wag Survey: How much did you Spend on your engagement ring?

@womblewa wrote:



Now, seems superfluous to us - would never bother.  He lost his wedding ring years ago, mine gives me eczema so I don't wear it - but in my humble opinion, we could not be more married (he might feel differently!!!  - ha!!).  Rings not important to either of us. 


No criticism intended towards anyone who does find the symbolism important, each to his or her own. 



We were engaged in the 1970s, ring cost somewhere around $150 which was all my husband could afford. My wedding ring gave me dermatitis  any time I had my hands in water so i was always taking it off, putting it on. Lost it about 18 years back. I keep thinking it must turn up in the hosue but it hasn't so far. The engagement ring I still have.


I never usually look at what sort of rings people wear anyway. Not really a ring person. I'll notice earrings & necklaces though.Smiley Happy

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Chin Wag Survey: How much did you Spend on your engagement ring?

@zanadoo_56 wrote:

I'm constantly amazed at what people will spend on weddings.  I like those one upmanship wedding shows on TV - they are hilarious.



I'm constantly amazed at what the media publishes as the 'average' cost of a wedding. I often wonder what sort of average they are using because I find it hard to believe it represents the majority.

I've read reports where they quote $60,000.


Now I like a nice wedding as much as the next person, but I'd say a lot of weddings, even those including the whole package from  wedding reception venue for 80-100 guests, dress, cake etc come in at under $20k.

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Chin Wag Survey: How much did you Spend on your engagement ring?

I’ve been to a lot of weddings in the last 2 years and most people have told me they budgeted $30k and ended up spending over $50k. So I think around $60k is probably quite real. Once you start the ‘add ons’ things just snowball. When you are paying it over 18 months to 2 years, I think people don’t realise they have doubled their budget until they get to near the wedding.

I had a friend spend $50k (not including honeymoon) and that was 9 years ago. It was a lovely wedding but not extravagant.

I also went to one that was $150,000 wedding. It was actually far and away the best wedding I have been to. Not just because no expense was spared, but because everyone got up and danced, including all the oldies! I loved everyone being involved!
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