Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

In reply to Clive Palmer: Not ‘Quantitative Easing’, but National Banking!



“Clive Palmer is mistaken to call for Australia to emulate the United States’ quantitative easing (QE) stimulation program, because it is a scam that has fattened up the Wall Street and London banks but has starved the U.S. economy of credit,” Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood said today.


“However,” Isherwood continued, “Palmer is right to warn against ‘European-style austerity’ and call for the government to get the economy moving. The very best way to do that is establish a national bank that can direct credit into nation-building infrastructure projects and into productive industries.”


In an early February letter to all MPs, and again on ABC TV’s 24 February Q&A program, Palmer United Party leader Clive Palmer praised the U.S. Federal Reserve’s $75 billion per month quantitative easing, which he credited to Barack Obama, for stimulating the U.S. economy.


“Palmer is completely mistaken about the benefits of QE,” Isherwood said. “That’s not his fault necessarily, because the U.S. authorities are lying their heads off.


“Here’s the truth about QE: the $3 trillion that the Fed has pumped into the too-big-to-fail (TBTF) banks since 2008 has all been kept by the banks, and not lent into the economy. The $2.2 trillion increase in deposits in the Big Six TBTF banks since 2008 can be tracked back entirely to the Fed’s QE money printing, which is recorded in the Fed’s own data on ‘excess reserves’.


“Those six banks are now 40 per cent larger than in 2008, but the QE money has not gone into the real U.S. economy. None has gone into infrastructure, none has gone into investments in manufacturing and farming, and none has been loaned out. In the same five years that ‘excess reserves’ of the big six banks have increased by over $2 trillion, lending by those banks has fallen by $700 billion!


“So where has the QE money gone?” Isherwood continued. “Into speculation: in financial derivatives, securities, swaps, repo loans to other banks, and financial companies and funds. For instance, over $900 billion of JPMorgan’s $2.2 trillion in assets as of 2012 was invested in derivatives and other gambling instruments associated with the ‘London whale’ derivatives bet on which it lost billions.


“Meanwhile,” he declared, “the real U.S. economy is on its knees!”


Isherwood cited U.S. physical economist Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review <>  magazine, on the true state of the U.S. economy:


*             Unemployment isn’t falling, as is claimed. The participation rate is plunging because so many people are giving up looking for work.

*             The labour cost component of GDP, i.e income for America’s working families, has fallen in ten years from 66 per cent to 57 per cent. Real wages of manufacturing workers have fallen by 3 per cent under Obama.

*             Last year, the number of Americans officially living in poverty passed 50 million. 40 per cent of all working Americans are officially in “low wage employment”. 48 million Americans copped a 5 per cent cut in their food stamps last October, and another cut in January.

*             All across America workers are seeing big cuts to their pensions and/or health care plans, or losing them altogether.

*             Senior citizens’ access to health care has declined for three consecutive years.

*             The U.S. Conference of Mayors reported on 11 December that in 2013, 20 per cent of the need for emergency food assistance to American families went unmet.


Only solution is Glass-Steagall, national banking


Isherwood said, “There are only two actions that can revive the economy. First, an immediate Glass-Steagall separation of retail banks from the casino of investment banking. There are presently four bills before the U.S. Congress to restore the strict banking separation mandated by the Glass-Steagall Act 1933, which lasted 66 years until Wall Street arranged its repeal in 1999. When banking is separated this way, the retail banks can’t divert precious credit off into speculative gambling, so they have to lend it into the real economy.


“Second, and even more important, is a national bank, like Australia once had with the original Commonwealth Bank from 1911 to 1959, which served Australia so well during both world wars. The CEC has drafted legislation for a Commonwealth National Credit Bank which would direct credit into physical production in manufacturing, in agriculture, and in infrastructure.


“The national bank could issue low interest loans to the family farmers who right now are being driven off the land by the high interest rates they are struggling to pay on their collective $70 billion burden. It could lend at low interest for capital upgrades to boost the productivity of the crucial manufacturers who are getting smashed by free trade. The bank could issue long-term credit to finance major public infrastructure projects, such as great water diversion schemes, high-speed railways and nuclear power—a far better way to finance infrastructure than the Macquarie Bank scam of Public-Private Partnerships which burden the public with high tolls and charges.”


From Here


Quantitave Easing. I had to google it here's what it means




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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

Hi's really a newly invented term that means : pass the buck, throw out money to the masses AND tax the masses alternately and whenever youse feel like it, some apparently new excuse/term to hide behind-so it appears that 'we' are doing something constructive AND got it under control (the economy that is).... it is just more smoke and mirrors caper to hide incompetencies.

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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

i'm still trying to figure out who to criticise, palmer or isherwood.   an  idiot can berate another idiot with  any need for comment i guess.

Message 4 of 12
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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

If Palmer was so right then how can his businesses be going so wrong??? 


How many people have been sacked from his Coolum Resort??? I have been told by someone that lives in the area it was hundreds. 


His smelter business has gone so far downhill that people at his smelter expect to be sacked in the near future. His wealth is going downhill big time. 


He is not the all he pretends to be.... He is a very smart business man when it comes to buying businesses on the "cheap" and bleeding them dry but his business sense is not so great, he can't build a business from scratch and make it work... 

Message 5 of 12
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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

If Palmer is genuine about impartiality in terms of his private liabilities the PUP senators should abstain from the vote the day the CT tax repeal legislation is reintroduced into the senate. His personal unpaid bill might influence them, it is a genuine conflict of interest Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 12
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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

Actually LL I agree with you 100%... I might not like the decision that comes from it but if he had any true integrity then he should withraw himself from the vote. 

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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

The Citizens Electoral Council - seriously? and some won't read anything from a RED source, below is from one their publications The New Citizen.



The acknowledged granddaddy of this Green Fascist movement is Charles Darwin, a third-rate intellect who discovered nothing whatsoever, but who was lionised by the British oligarchy to help secure their global imperial rule. If we are to initiate the otherwise feasible global economic recovery specified by LaRouche, then we must start by unmasking this fraudster.


LaRouche is a right wing extremist of the very nutty variety.

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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

I sometimes wonder about Clive Palmer.

Remember Christopher Skase?

Message 9 of 12
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Clive Palmer Calls For Quantitave Easing

@catsnknots wrote:

Actually LL I agree with you 100%... I might not like the decision that comes from it but if he had any true integrity then he should withraw himself from the vote. 

 and the other PUP senators.

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