on 24-06-2013 09:05 AM
Don't for a minute think this dimwit has given up his vendetta against the media. His media reform package that nearly brought down Gillard & saw the package dropped in a humiliating backdown.
This appalling pollie is now going to try to ram through, in the dying days of this failed govt, another go at gagging free speech & a free media.
This witless idiot knows he's gone but his vendetta against any criticism of his own failures will not go unpunished if he can help it.
What we are seeing in Australia today is the complete breakdown of good governance of parliament into a free for all to get their bad policies & more regulation through before parliament breaks up for the last time.
The gagging of debate on nearly all legislation knowing that with any luck the voting public will not remember this week or last week when they trashed our rights & destroyed parliamentary procedure.
There are no words left to describe this Labor party, no description of the base & despicable depths they are willing plumb, leaving a populace heartsick at the damage, debt & destruction they leave behind them.
on 24-06-2013 09:46 AM
At least his NBN policy is better than the LNP's
Turnbull was on TV last night saying that some of the copper wire will need to be replaced as it won't be usable when connecting the NBN from the street to the premises. How much needs replacing and how much it will cost... he said he has no idea!
Telstra have been putting black plastic bags in their boxes to keep the rain of the old copper wire!!