DDU / klarry

DDU can I ask you about your chooks? You do have chooks don't you?
Roughly what sort of cage do you have i.e. wooden? How many chooks & what/how much do you feed them? I searched chook houses on ebay, do you suggest a good one?

Klarry what is needed to fox proof a chook house? We were thinking wire underneath and perhaps sleepers too? Are snakes & rats a problem?

Any information would be good ๐Ÿ™‚
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DDU / klarry

Yeah I had 2 ducks when I was a kid, I know all about the mess they make lol

Those two were just given as a fathers day present , we are definately getting more chickens, soon. Don't really want another duck though, the duckling goes spazzy when I take the chick away
We've already been told not a good idea to have ducks with chickens because of the mess. Don't know what to do don't want another duck :_|
Message 91 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Oh yeah we have a 5 acre dam be nice if ducky could go down and play all day then come back to sleep safely at night ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 92 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Community Member
Put ducky down and the dam and the hawkes or foxes will see that he dowsnt come home at night, sad but true.

To tell the sex of your duck, hold it by the neck upside down, if it does a squawk like a boy with a voice that is breaking it is a drake.

The girls ducks make the most noise from the time they are young, the boy ducks are quiet most of the time.

You will soon be able to tell the sex of both of them. Up tails in ducks with a little curl on the top are drakes. Same with roosters , without the curl, and the roosters will grow their wattles and combs sooner than the hens.
Message 93 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Oh dear well this duck is quiet most of the time, don't want a drake :_|
Message 94 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

fluffy!!....I'm getting dizzy!!...lol!!
iPad user ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 95 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

I wished I lived on a bit of land where I could have some chooks..and some ducks..and other things

I think I would have to let them sleep in my bedroom cos I would be terrorised by the thought of them getting..gulp..attacked
Message 96 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Community Member
I'd be interested in a picture of the coop when it's finished.

I'm thinking of putting wire over an old trampoline and making it into a coop.
Message 97 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Yeah hopefully tomorrow DDU, we just got the coop from bunnings

Hey is your duck in with your chooks?
Message 98 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

mm blackcat I like to think of them all safe & warm ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 99 of 1,902
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DDU / klarry

Community Member
how do you hold a duck upside down by it's neck?

I bred ducks .. hatched 7 out of 10 eggs which was really cool. OH let them run outside when they were about 5 weeks old and the crows got them .. so then there were 5. He then built them a run,, but one got it's head stuck in the wire, so then there were 4.

The other day in a storm they managed to exit the run and off they went .. now there is 1

I'll stick to chickens.
Message 100 of 1,902
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