Dementia and Telemarkers

I have a friend who is minding her FIL who suffers from dementia. 


Yesterday while the friend was doing some gardening her FIL answered the phone ( no she didn't hear it ring ).  When she came inside her FIL was very happy because he had saved her a lot of money.  But he doesn't remember who he was talking to.


Has this happened to anyone you know ?


What can she do ?   

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Dementia and Telemarkers

I am not sure about the 'legal' side of it, but if someone can get the phone number somehow,(caller ID history? )  and look it up on 'who called me'


you might be able to find out where the call came from. And, a good idea might be able to get their phone number put on the Do Not Call register

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Dementia and Telemarkers

There's so many phone scams around it's not funny.


It could be anything from Solar Panels to slamming your phone number to another Telco.


Most of the scumbags use Skype from overseas and there's no way they can be traced.


Because they are based overseas the DNC register doesn't apply to them and our Government appears to be disinterested in doing anything about it.


It's just a matter of waiting until something happens and then try to undo it 😞

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Dementia and Telemarkers

Well, first she has to establish if he gave the peson their CC details and immediately contact their bank.  If she cannot be sure, stop the CC anyway, and discuss with their bank how to safegurd that he cannot do any harm..


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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Dementia and Telemarkers

@grandmoon wrote:

I have a friend who is minding her FIL who suffers from dementia. 


Yesterday while the friend was doing some gardening her FIL answered the phone ( no she didn't hear it ring ).  When she came inside her FIL was very happy because he had saved her a lot of money.  But he doesn't remember who he was talking to.


Has this happened to anyone you know ?


What can she do ?   

that's hard.  it could have been



can she contact the service provider

to find out the number of the caller?


if it was a genuine organisation, she

could contact them about this.


otherwise, he could have given personal

details to anyone. 


cancelling CC is a good idea or at least

contacting the financial institution to 

see if there have been any unusual



scary stuff but try to get as many details

from FIL as possible.  anything might

give you a clue.


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Dementia and Telemarkers

@***super_nova*** wrote:

Well, first she has to establish if he gave the peson their CC details and immediately contact their bank.  If she cannot be sure, stop the CC anyway, and discuss with their bank how to safegurd that he cannot do any harm..

Thanks that is something she had not thought of.  Although she normal locks her purse in the safe as she has a lot of teenages in the house at different times.   She is going to have a chat to the bank now.

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