Diary of our stinking Govt.

As it's more than 100 days now, it has been suggested that a new thread was needed.  The current govt has been breaking promises and telling lies at a rate so fast it's hard to keep up.Woman Happy


This below is worrying, "independent" pffft, as if your own doctor is somehow what? biased, it's ridiculous. So far there is talk of only including people under a certain age 30-35, for now. Remember that if your injured in a car, injured at work or get ill, you too might need to go on the DSP. They have done a similar think in the UK with devastating consequences.


and this is the 2nd time recently where the Govt has referred to work as welfare???? So when you go to work tomorrow (or tuesday), just remember that's welfare.




Independent doctors could be called in to reassess disability pensioners, Federal Government says


The Federal Government is considering using independent doctors to examine disability pensioners and assess whether they should continue to receive payments.


Currently family doctors provide reports supporting claims for the Disability Support Pension (DSP).

But Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is considering a measure that would see independent doctors reassess eligibility.


"We are concerned that where people can work, the best form of welfare is work," Mr Andrews said at a press conference.


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Diary of our stinking Govt.



A former Newman government minister has urged Queensland voters to beware the ambitions of sociopaths as he gave an extraordinary indictment against his former party in power.


Dr Chris Davis, who quit parliament in protest at his government’s “betrayal” of Queenslanders last year, features in a new TV advertisement for the Wilderness Society in which he recommends voters put the Liberal National party last on ballots in the upcoming election.


Davis said on Saturday he would not “be standing here today if the trust that people gave the Newman government in 2012 had not been broken”.


“We’re talking about betrayal of thousands of public servants, the winding back of political scrutiny and donor influence, contempt for the professionalism of doctors and judges, jeopardising our environment and sustainable farming and deception on vital issues such as employment and cost of living,” he said.


Davis said that citizens needed to have trust in leaders to “serve us rather than themselves or their powerbrokers”.

He took aim at the LNP’s key platform of privatising government utilities, saying “disposing of our assets to pork barrel the Newman government into power is certainly not in our long-term interest”.


Davis also said voters needed to “be particularly wary of sociopaths”. Asked if the character of the Newman government had been sociopathic, Davis said he left it to voters to “make up their own minds”.


Davis was sacked by Newman from his post as assistant health minister when he publicly disagreed with government policy around contract negotiations with doctors and its treatment of the parliamentary committee overseeing the corruption watchdog.




Woman SurprisedCat SurprisedRobot surprisedMan SurprisedSmiley Surprised




Message 7621 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.


Message 7622 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

@monman12 wrote:

"PM warned over undermining courts by attack on magistrate"


It might appear A3 that you have forgotten the propensity of Roxon when she was the ALP's Attorney General to ignore accepted judicial behaviour by commenting on ongoing legal matters, and to have no concept of the "separation of powers"




The article I posted relates to our current Prime Minister and his current actions. full.stop.


I haven't seen any currrent articles about Roxon in today's newspapers.

Message 7623 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.




What is wrong with cutting Public service jobs if they are not needed ?



Juts look at the ABC, 3 ABC people to do what 1 person does in the Commercial world

so a lot think it could shrink a bit by cutting a few people loose.


What is wrong with that ?


The Public Service is not a welfare agency of jobs for life.



Message 7624 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

Woman LOL


Good idea to cut staff at the ATO (experience staff) wasn't it?. Now they don't have enough experienced staff to chase after corporate tax avoiders...... 

Message 7625 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

Why do you focus on corporate tax. Most companies employ the big firms to guide them. You should see the tax accounting bills of some of the big corporates.

You just object to big companies pushing the boundaries.


I know plenty of mum and dad that push the boundaries as well, getting rulings on things.


Private Super being one, Negative gearing another, Splitting income or shoving a large amount of income

onto the wife so it decreases the tax paid being another.


They are all legit actions but need to be done correctly.





Message 7626 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

@am*3 wrote:

Woman LOL


Good idea to cut staff at the ATO (experience staff) wasn't it?. Now they don't have enough experienced staff to chase after corporate tax avoiders...... 

It's all part and parcel of the LyingNP way, slash numbers in the public services so they are struggling to do their job and then sell them off bit by bit to their mates for budget prices - we get low quality service for a much higher price.

Message 7627 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

@aps1080 wrote:

Why do you focus on corporate tax. Most companies employ the big firms to guide them. You should see the tax accounting bills of some of the big corporates.

You just object to big companies pushing the boundaries.


I know plenty of mum and dad that push the boundaries as well, getting rulings on things.


Private Super being one, Negative gearing another, Splitting income or shoving a large amount of income

onto the wife so it decreases the tax paid being another.


They are all legit actions but need to be done correctly.



Same reason Joe Hockey does... corporations avoiding paying the correct amount of tax, means less revenue for the Govt, doh.


Pity his Govt sacked a whole lot of experienced workers, who could have been tasked to track down corporations not paying enough tax in Australia and oseas coy's like Google etc.



Most companies employ the big firms to guide them. You should see the tax accounting bills of some of the big corporates.


Yes, they employ them to work out the best tax minimisation (avoidance) measures, doh.


I recommend you read more current news articles.

Message 7628 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

So true.



Message 7629 of 17,615
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Diary of our stinking Govt.

Royal Commission into tax loopholes a must


There is of course one group of no-good bludgers that Hockey hasn't yet tapped. This bunch of leaners are rorting the system on an industrial scale and sticking two fingers up at Team Australia the whole time.

Corporate tax dodgers.


It's difficult to pinpoint the full extent of corporate tax evasion and avoidance here in Australia, but one estimate puts the avoidance alone at $8.4 billion per year. That could fully fund the gold-plated version of Tony Abbott's Paid Parental Leave and leave $3 billion to go towards deficit reduction. Or, you know, invest in schools, hospitals, education, public transport and supporting small businesses.


Truck drivers, teachers and farmers, even (most) politicians pay their fair share.


But major corporations, aided and abetted by the major global accounting firms, have constructed complex corporate structures to avoid paying their fair amount of taxes like the rest of us do. The scale of this rort of taxpayer's money is truly staggering. As detailed recently in the Australian Financial Review, Walt Disney restructured its Australian operations in 2009 "with a $1 share trade and ended 25 days later with tax-free profits of $1.3 billion". As further detailed in the AFR, a host of major Australian companies including "AMP, Macquarie Group, Lend Lease and the Goodman Group" have also been implicated in the LuxLeaks scandals.




Cut staff in the ATO -  save some money, lose out on billions of tax not collected from tax avoiding corporations. Make sense? NO


Message 7630 of 17,615
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