Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

He doesn't remember seeing the menu at the charity event he was guest of honour at?


For a man that loves his food I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu, it would also have been a huge talking point, amazing it has not leaked earlier - just goes to show the people that attended have absolutely no decorum - it is just not funny at all.

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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says


JMHO, but it's a bit schoolboyish smutty isn't it. Someone,from the LNP would have to have approved the menus before they were printed, whether they were read at the dinner or not.

Message 21 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Community Member


There is a difference between laughing at ourselves and making females the butt of all our jokes.




Geeze, I thought it was Gillard who was the butt of the joke - not all females  (excuse hte pun)  ]:)

Message 22 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

So much for supporting the Australian wine industry - 2 NZ, 1 German, 1 French, 2 Aussie.



yes and 


served in liberal amounts whatever that means 







Message 23 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

So much for supporting the Australian wine industry - 2 NZ, 1 German, 1 French, 2 Aussie.


NZ wine is better that's why]:)

Message 24 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey was the guest of honour at the March event.


Quite possible then that he may never have seen it. Wait staff/ hosts may have asked him personally what he wanted to order.


At least he didn't do a Peter Fitzsimons and go around picking  food off other people's plates and helping himself to other tables wines, when he was a guest speaker at a function.

Message 25 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

DY: "For a man that loves his food I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu"

Does that mean it is fact DY? or, as in science, an accepted theory. If so I will do a DLA:


Prove it.....giggle.

That hurt, I prefer my approach: Prove it...chuckle.

Message 26 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

DY: "For a man that loves his food I am absolutely sure he would have glanced at the menu"

Does that mean it is fact DY? or, as in science, an accepted theory. If so I will do a DLA:


Prove it.....giggle.

That hurt, I prefer my approach: Prove it...chuckle.


Happy to, when someone with guts that was there releases the obvious 'chuckles' about the menu that were the highlight of discussion, call it a logical deduction Monman.


Reminds me of the Alan Jones fundraiser. One can live in hope there is someone in the Liberal Party with a sense of decorum.

Message 27 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

Community Member

 it would also have been a huge talking point, amazing it has not leaked earlier - just goes to show the people that attended have absolutely no decorum - it is just not funny at all.


Joe Hockey had a gastric sleeve operation last Christmas - so in March he would have been eating a very restricted diet, so its highly likely that he did not read the menu,or eat  the food.  But we wont let that fact interfere with our moral outrage over stuff that doesnt matter at all


Keep it up, you have really lightened my afternoon.  :^O



Message 28 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

You can't prove that Joe Hockey did actually see the menu though can you DH?


See meh's post, his staff may have prearranged a meal suitable for his dietary requirements at the time.

Message 29 of 140
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Do you believe Joe Hockey when he says

it wasn't just Joe who claims not to have seen the menu was it ?

Message 30 of 140
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